Messages in S-Trains group. Page 1 of 1.

Group: S-Trains Message: 78714 From: George Guzewicz Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: New Project for 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78715 From: attic02 Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: Turntables for S Scale?
Group: S-Trains Message: 78716 From: Alan Smith Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: 934 floodlight car repair
Group: S-Trains Message: 78717 From: Don Abrams Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: 934 floodlight car repair
Group: S-Trains Message: 78718 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: For sale: tank car for crash site
Group: S-Trains Message: 78719 From: Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 01 January 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78720 From: snstrains Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Happy New Year
Group: S-Trains Message: 78721 From: degreen60 Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: 934 floodlight car repair
Group: S-Trains Message: 78722 From: degreen60 Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: For sale: tank car for crash site
Group: S-Trains Message: 78723 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: For sale: tank car for crash site
Group: S-Trains Message: 78724 From: The Laniers Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: For sale: tank car for crash site
Group: S-Trains Message: 78725 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: For sale: tank car for crash site
Group: S-Trains Message: 78726 From: rick flaherty Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: Happy New Year
Group: S-Trains Message: 78727 From: richs009 Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: Help with AF 19B Transformer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78728 From: rudypenne Date: 1/2/2017
Subject: Re: Help with AF 19B Transformer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78729 From: degreen60 Date: 1/2/2017
Subject: Re: Help with AF 19B Transformer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78730 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 1/2/2017
Subject: Re: 934 floodlight car repair
Group: S-Trains Message: 78731 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/2/2017
Subject: Re: Can we End this insanity? Was: Help with AF 19B Transformer [2 A
Group: S-Trains Message: 78732 From: rudypenne Date: 1/2/2017
Subject: Re: Can we End this insanity? Was: Help with AF 19B Transformer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78733 From: wema103 Date: 1/2/2017
Subject: Re: Turntables for S Scale?
Group: S-Trains Message: 78734 From: David Dewey Date: 1/2/2017
Subject: Happy New Years & Tank car "dooms"
Group: S-Trains Message: 78735 From: damills18055 Date: 1/2/2017
Subject: Re: 934 floodlight car repair
Group: S-Trains Message: 78736 From: henry_betz Date: 1/2/2017
Subject: Hanks S Gauge Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 78737 From: zemouse2001 Date: 1/3/2017
Subject: Re: Hanks S Gauge Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 78738 From: Nick Colleran Date: 1/3/2017
Subject: Re: Can we End this insanity? Was: Help with AF 19B Transformer [2 A
Group: S-Trains Message: 78739 From: degreen60 Date: 1/3/2017
Subject: Re: Can we End this insanity? Was: Help with AF 19B Transformer [2 A
Group: S-Trains Message: 78740 From: David Dewey Date: 1/3/2017
Subject: Dead Man Handle--how it works!! PS
Group: S-Trains Message: 78741 From: David Dewey Date: 1/3/2017
Subject: Dead Man Handle--how it works!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78742 From: sgaugian Date: 1/3/2017
Subject: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
Group: S-Trains Message: 78743 From: richs009 Date: 1/3/2017
Subject: Re: Can we End this insanity? Was: Help with AF 19B Transformer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78744 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 1/4/2017
Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
Group: S-Trains Message: 78745 From: sgaugian Date: 1/4/2017
Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
Group: S-Trains Message: 78746 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/4/2017
Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
Group: S-Trains Message: 78747 From: sgaugian Date: 1/7/2017
Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
Group: S-Trains Message: 78748 From: Date: 1/7/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 08 January 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78749 From: henry_betz Date: 1/7/2017
Subject: Re: Hanks S Gauge Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 78750 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/7/2017
Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
Group: S-Trains Message: 78751 From: David Horn Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
Group: S-Trains Message: 78752 From: David Dewey Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Sacramento Great Train show report
Group: S-Trains Message: 78753 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report
Group: S-Trains Message: 78754 From: Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 08 January 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78755 From: Frank Emiro Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report
Group: S-Trains Message: 78756 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report
Group: S-Trains Message: 78757 From: Frank Emiro Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report
Group: S-Trains Message: 78758 From: mike boyd Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report
Group: S-Trains Message: 78759 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report
Group: S-Trains Message: 78760 From: henry_betz Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Re: Prices Falling
Group: S-Trains Message: 78761 From: henry_betz Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Re: Prices Falling
Group: S-Trains Message: 78762 From: The Laniers Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: Re: Prices Falling
Group: S-Trains Message: 78763 From: snstrains Date: 1/8/2017
Subject: 322 SIT
Group: S-Trains Message: 78764 From: ken garber Date: 1/9/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7286 - 'Hobbytown' Drives
Group: S-Trains Message: 78765 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 1/10/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78766 From: sgaugian Date: 1/10/2017
Subject: Re: Do you know how to upgrade an SHS SW9 headlight to LED? Thanks.
Group: S-Trains Message: 78767 From: sgaugian Date: 1/10/2017
Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
Group: S-Trains Message: 78768 From: snstrains Date: 1/10/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78769 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/10/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78770 From: Dale Smith Date: 1/10/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78771 From: racin510 Date: 1/10/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78772 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 1/10/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78773 From: Dale Smith Date: 1/10/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78774 From: Bob Moyer Date: 1/11/2017
Subject: AF Diecast Atlantic
Group: S-Trains Message: 78775 From: Don Abrams Date: 1/12/2017
Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
Group: S-Trains Message: 78776 From: John Davis Date: 1/12/2017
Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
Group: S-Trains Message: 78777 From: degreen60 Date: 1/12/2017
Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
Group: S-Trains Message: 78778 From: john isn't eddie anymore Date: 1/12/2017
Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
Group: S-Trains Message: 78779 From: Bob Moyer Date: 1/12/2017
Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
Group: S-Trains Message: 78780 From: Doug Peck Date: 1/12/2017
Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
Group: S-Trains Message: 78781 From: racin510 Date: 1/12/2017
Subject: Northern ElectroCoupler Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 78782 From: George Cohn Date: 1/12/2017
Subject: Sound module
Group: S-Trains Message: 78783 From: chuck_7612 Date: 1/12/2017
Subject: Re: Northern ElectroCoupler Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 78784 From: hobbycj1 Date: 1/12/2017
Subject: Re: Northern ElectroCoupler Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 78785 From: Jim Strompolis Date: 1/13/2017
Subject: Train O Rama 790
Group: S-Trains Message: 78786 From: David Dewey Date: 1/13/2017
Subject: Tender shells
Group: S-Trains Message: 78787 From: Stanley Sobieski Date: 1/13/2017
Subject: Re: Tender shells
Group: S-Trains Message: 78788 From: Doug Peck Date: 1/13/2017
Subject: Re: Tender shells
Group: S-Trains Message: 78789 From: David Dewey Date: 1/14/2017
Subject: Re: Tender Shells
Group: S-Trains Message: 78790 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/14/2017
Subject: Oaks Train Show
Group: S-Trains Message: 78791 From: americanflyer Date: 1/14/2017
Subject: Re: Tender Shells
Group: S-Trains Message: 78792 From: Date: 1/14/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 15 January 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78793 From: racin510 Date: 1/14/2017
Subject: Re: Northern ElectroCoupler Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 78794 From: poniaj Date: 1/14/2017
Subject: Help with my Berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78795 From: henry_betz Date: 1/14/2017
Subject: Re: 322 SIT
Group: S-Trains Message: 78796 From: snstrains Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: 322 SIT
Group: S-Trains Message: 78797 From: carl4flyer Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78798 From: americanflyer Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: 322 SIT
Group: S-Trains Message: 78799 From: allscalerails Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: All Scale Rails Issue #12 Jan / Feb 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78800 From: poniaj Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78801 From: damills18055 Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78802 From: Doug Peck Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78803 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: 322 SIT
Group: S-Trains Message: 78804 From: Daryl Olszeski Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: 322 SIT
Group: S-Trains Message: 78805 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: 322 SIT
Group: S-Trains Message: 78806 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: 322 SIT
Group: S-Trains Message: 78807 From: Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 15 January 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78808 From: Stanley Sobieski Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: Tender shells
Group: S-Trains Message: 78809 From: Robert Lampe Date: 1/15/2017
Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78810 From: racin510 Date: 1/16/2017
Subject: Re: 322 SIT
Group: S-Trains Message: 78811 From: racin510 Date: 1/16/2017
Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78812 From: poniaj Date: 1/16/2017
Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78813 From: racin510 Date: 1/16/2017
Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78814 From: henry_betz Date: 1/16/2017
Subject: Re: 322 SIT
Group: S-Trains Message: 78815 From: poniaj Date: 1/17/2017
Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78816 From: Date: 1/17/2017
Subject: smoke in berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78817 From: poniaj Date: 1/17/2017
Subject: Re: smoke in berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78818 From: racin510 Date: 1/17/2017
Subject: Re: smoke in berk
Group: S-Trains Message: 78819 From: David Dewey Date: 1/17/2017
Subject: MTH F's on the continent!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78820 From: Ben E. Colley Date: 1/17/2017
Subject: Re: MTH F's on the continent!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78821 From: Larry Moore Date: 1/17/2017
Subject: Hudson SIT chassis
Group: S-Trains Message: 78822 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 1/17/2017
Subject: Re: MTH F's on the continent!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78823 From: Tom Date: 1/18/2017
Subject: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78824 From: keyhole_corona Date: 1/18/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78825 From: hobbycj1 Date: 1/18/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78826 From: hobbycj1 Date: 1/18/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78827 From: Bill Lane Date: 1/18/2017
Subject: roller track
Group: S-Trains Message: 78828 From: racin510 Date: 1/18/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78829 From: poniaj Date: 1/18/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78830 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/18/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78831 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78832 From: rick gough Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78833 From: chuck_7612 Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78834 From: poniaj Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78835 From: Gerry Evans Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: For Sale GP9 Price Reduced
Group: S-Trains Message: 78836 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: For sale: two Gargraves right-hand turnouts in OB
Group: S-Trains Message: 78837 From: Gerry Evans Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: GP9 For Sale Price Reduction #2
Group: S-Trains Message: 78838 From: attic02 Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Re: For sale: two Gargraves right-hand turnouts in OB
Group: S-Trains Message: 78839 From: hspanier2000 Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: Gargraves #803 Pins
Group: S-Trains Message: 78840 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 1/19/2017
Subject: For sale: VHS videos and two books
Group: S-Trains Message: 78841 From: Bill Lane Date: 1/20/2017
Subject: SHS set
Group: S-Trains Message: 78842 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/20/2017
Subject: OT - Got Clobbered by OSIRIS Malware
Group: S-Trains Message: 78843 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/20/2017
Subject: Re: OT - Got Clobbered by OSIRIS Malware
Group: S-Trains Message: 78844 From: railtwister Date: 1/20/2017
Subject: Re: SHS set
Group: S-Trains Message: 78845 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 1/21/2017
Subject: Inserts for Budd cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 78846 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/21/2017
Subject: Re: Inserts for Budd cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 78847 From: Peter Vanvliet Date: 1/21/2017
Subject: Anyone in the OK City/Claremore area
Group: S-Trains Message: 78848 From: Warner, Ronald Date: 1/21/2017
Subject: Re: Inserts for Budd cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 78849 From: Neil Trump Date: 1/21/2017
Subject: Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78850 From: Date: 1/21/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 22 January 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78851 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 1/21/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78852 From: The Laniers Date: 1/21/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78853 From: Date: 1/22/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 22 January 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78854 From: Date: 1/22/2017
Subject: December/January 2017 The S Scale Resource Magazine is Ready
Group: S-Trains Message: 78855 From: Date: 1/22/2017
Subject: polar express
Group: S-Trains Message: 78856 From: racin510 Date: 1/22/2017
Subject: Re: polar express
Group: S-Trains Message: 78857 From: chuck_7612 Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: polar express
Group: S-Trains Message: 78858 From: icequeen1982 Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Inserts for Budd cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 78859 From: icequeen1982 Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Inserts for Budd cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 78860 From: vu68 Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: polar express
Group: S-Trains Message: 78861 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Inserts for Budd cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 78862 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78863 From: Alan Smith Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78864 From: racin510 Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78865 From: racin510 Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: polar express
Group: S-Trains Message: 78866 From: Alan Smith Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78867 From: Frank Emiro Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78868 From: chuck_7612 Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: polar express
Group: S-Trains Message: 78869 From: Tom Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: New FlyerChief Northern issue
Group: S-Trains Message: 78870 From: snstrains Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78871 From: Tom Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: New FlyerChief Northern issue - circuit breaker and power pickup
Group: S-Trains Message: 78872 From: Frank Emiro Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: polar express
Group: S-Trains Message: 78873 From: srgriggs Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: American Hi-Rail
Group: S-Trains Message: 78874 From: David Dewey Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer FS by Neil Trump
Group: S-Trains Message: 78875 From: Doug Peck Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: American Hi-Rail
Group: S-Trains Message: 78876 From: Robert Lampe Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78877 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: American Hi-Rail
Group: S-Trains Message: 78878 From: Doug Peck Date: 1/23/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78879 From: srgriggs Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: American Hi-Rail
Group: S-Trains Message: 78880 From: Dale Smith Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Flyer Fest West 2017 - San Francisco Bay Area
Group: S-Trains Message: 78881 From: richs009 Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78882 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78883 From: poniaj Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78884 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Evolution
Group: S-Trains Message: 78885 From: Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: PE
Group: S-Trains Message: 78886 From: Ray Puls Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: American Hi-Rail
Group: S-Trains Message: 78887 From: keyhole_corona Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: American Hi-Rail
Group: S-Trains Message: 78888 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: PE
Group: S-Trains Message: 78889 From: Doug Peck Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: PE
Group: S-Trains Message: 78890 From: srgriggs Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: American Hi-Rail
Group: S-Trains Message: 78891 From: Robert Lampe Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: Evolution
Group: S-Trains Message: 78892 From: Tom Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Evolution
Group: S-Trains Message: 78893 From: racin510 Date: 1/24/2017
Subject: Re: Hobby Shop Closure
Group: S-Trains Message: 78894 From: richs009 Date: 1/25/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Fest West 2017 - San Francisco Bay Area
Group: S-Trains Message: 78895 From: frank emiro Date: 1/25/2017
Subject: I see the new 2017 Flyer Catalog is out
Group: S-Trains Message: 78896 From: richs009 Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Re: I see the new 2017 Flyer Catalog is out
Group: S-Trains Message: 78897 From: hugoroundhouse Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Route of the Reindeer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78898 From: Doug Peck Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Re: Route of the Reindeer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78899 From: Frank Emiro Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Re: I see the new 2017 Flyer Catalog is out
Group: S-Trains Message: 78900 From: David Dewey Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Looks what's out in HO!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78901 From: hugoroundhouse Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Re: Route of the Reindeer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78902 From: Doug Peck Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Re: Route of the Reindeer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78903 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Re: af wheels any one have a 3d print file to print on a 3d printer?
Group: S-Trains Message: 78904 From: Edward Musil Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Re: Route of the Reindeer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78905 From: richs009 Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Re: I see the new 2017 Flyer Catalog is out
Group: S-Trains Message: 78906 From: snstrains Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Re: af wheels any one have a 3d print file to print on a 3d pr...
Group: S-Trains Message: 78907 From: sgaugerart Date: 1/26/2017
Subject: Re: Route of the Reindeer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78908 From: hugoroundhouse Date: 1/27/2017
Subject: Re: Route of the Reindeer [1 Attachment]
Group: S-Trains Message: 78909 From: hugoroundhouse Date: 1/27/2017
Subject: Re: Route of the Reindeer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78910 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 1/27/2017
Subject: Re: af wheels any one have a 3d print file to print on a 3d pr...
Group: S-Trains Message: 78911 From: snstrains Date: 1/27/2017
Subject: Re: af wheels any one have a 3d print file to print on a 3d pr...
Group: S-Trains Message: 78912 From: David Dewey Date: 1/27/2017
Subject: Re: Route of the Reindeer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78913 From: Lamont Heppe Date: 1/27/2017
Subject: S-Helper switch
Group: S-Trains Message: 78914 From: chuck_7612 Date: 1/27/2017
Subject: Re: Route of the Reindeer
Group: S-Trains Message: 78915 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 1/27/2017
Subject: Re: af wheels any one have a 3d print file to print on a 3d pr...
Group: S-Trains Message: 78916 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 1/27/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78917 From: Frank Emiro Date: 1/27/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78918 From: Frank Emiro Date: 1/27/2017
Subject: Re: af wheels any one have a 3d print file to print on a 3d pr...
Group: S-Trains Message: 78919 From: Dale Smith Date: 1/27/2017
Subject: Re: af wheels any one have a 3d print file to print on a 3d pr...
Group: S-Trains Message: 78920 From: rick gough Date: 1/27/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78921 From: Lamont Heppe Date: 1/28/2017
Subject: Re: S-Helper switch
Group: S-Trains Message: 78922 From: Bob Iannacone Date: 1/28/2017
Subject: Classic AF added to americanflyertrains4u
Group: S-Trains Message: 78923 From: Date: 1/28/2017
Subject: American Hi-Rail Hiawatha Set For Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 78924 From: Date: 1/28/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 29 January 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78925 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 1/28/2017
Subject: Re: af wheels any one have a 3d print file to print on a 3d pr...
Group: S-Trains Message: 78926 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 1/28/2017
Subject: Re: af wheels any one have a 3d print file to print on a 3d pr...
Group: S-Trains Message: 78927 From: Date: 1/29/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 29 January 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78928 From: Richard Reichard Date: 1/31/2017
Subject: Homasote Board & Home Depot Info
Group: S-Trains Message: 78929 From: Paul Krause Date: 2/1/2017
Subject: Re: Homasote Board & Home Depot Info
Group: S-Trains Message: 78930 From: Date: 2/1/2017
Subject: S-Helper Service Unpainted SW9
Group: S-Trains Message: 78931 From: dave_w_03303 Date: 2/1/2017
Subject: Homasote Board & Home Depot Info
Group: S-Trains Message: 78932 From: robbyking13 Date: 2/1/2017
Subject: Re: I see the new 2017 Flyer Catalog is out
Group: S-Trains Message: 78933 From: Bill Lane Date: 2/1/2017
Subject: SHS track wanted
Group: S-Trains Message: 78934 From: Frank Emiro Date: 2/1/2017
Subject: Re: I see the new 2017 Flyer Catalog is out
Group: S-Trains Message: 78935 From: Sam & Peggy Date: 2/1/2017
Subject: Re: SHS track wanted
Group: S-Trains Message: 78936 From: Brett Schormann Date: 2/1/2017
Subject: Software for laying out track and monitoring train progress
Group: S-Trains Message: 78937 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 2/1/2017
Subject: Re: SHS track wanted
Group: S-Trains Message: 78938 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 2/1/2017
Subject: Re: Software for laying out track and monitoring train progress
Group: S-Trains Message: 78939 From: rick gough Date: 2/2/2017
Subject: Re: Berk smoke units
Group: S-Trains Message: 78940 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 2/2/2017
Subject: Re: SHS track wanted
Group: S-Trains Message: 78941 From: Sam & Peggy Date: 2/2/2017
Subject: Re: SHS track wanted
Group: S-Trains Message: 78942 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 2/2/2017
Subject: Re: Used AF track. Was: SHS track
Group: S-Trains Message: 78943 From: chuck_7612 Date: 2/2/2017
Subject: Re: Software for laying out track and monitoring train progress
Group: S-Trains Message: 78944 From: henrykoshollek Date: 2/2/2017
Subject: Flyer Big Boy track curve minimum!!!!!!!!!!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78945 From: henrykoshollek Date: 2/3/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Big Boy track curve minimum!!!!!!!!!!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78946 From: racin510 Date: 2/3/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Big Boy track curve minimum!!!!!!!!!!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78947 From: Tom Date: 2/3/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Big Boy track curve minimum!!!!!!!!!!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78948 From: R G Date: 2/3/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Big Boy track curve minimum!!!!!!!!!!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78949 From: David Dewey Date: 2/3/2017
Subject: Big Boy on Layout
Group: S-Trains Message: 78950 From: racin510 Date: 2/3/2017
Subject: Berk Electrical Pick Up
Group: S-Trains Message: 78951 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Re: Berk Electrical Pick Up
Group: S-Trains Message: 78952 From: ecphora123 Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Big Boy track curve minimum!!!!!!!!!!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78953 From: Donald Keil Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Big Boy track curve minimum!!!!!!!!!!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78954 From: carl4flyer Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Big Boy track curve minimum!!!!!!!!!!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78955 From: alhbaker Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Wanted Lionel Berkshire locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 78956 From: Frank Emiro Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted Lionel Berkshire locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 78957 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted Lionel Berkshire locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 78958 From: Al Baker Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted Lionel Berkshire locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 78959 From: Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 05 February 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78960 From: racin510 Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Big Boy track curve minimum!!!!!!!!!!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 78961 From: racin510 Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Re: Berk Electrical Pick Up
Group: S-Trains Message: 78962 From: David Dewey Date: 2/4/2017
Subject: Berk trailing truck and BB curves
Group: S-Trains Message: 78963 From: Ray Puls Date: 2/5/2017
Subject: Re: Berk Electrical Pick Up
Group: S-Trains Message: 78964 From: Date: 2/5/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 05 February 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78965 From: icequeen1982 Date: 2/5/2017
Subject: Wanted American Flyer NKP Berkshire locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 78966 From: racin510 Date: 2/5/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted American Flyer NKP Berkshire locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 78967 From: racin510 Date: 2/5/2017
Subject: Re: Berk Electrical Pick Up
Group: S-Trains Message: 78968 From: icequeen1982 Date: 2/6/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted American Flyer NKP Berkshire locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 78969 From: racin510 Date: 2/6/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted American Flyer NKP Berkshire locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 78970 From: Richard Purnell Date: 2/7/2017
Subject: 2-8-8-2 steam
Group: S-Trains Message: 78971 From: barry_ja Date: 2/8/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted American Flyer NKP Berkshire locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 78972 From: barry_ja Date: 2/8/2017
Subject: Re: 2-8-8-2 steam
Group: S-Trains Message: 78973 From: Eric Date: 2/8/2017
Subject: 1/64 S scale Highway Trucks for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 78974 From: Bill Lane Date: 2/10/2017
Subject: Wilson S turntable
Group: S-Trains Message: 78975 From: John and Carol Date: 2/11/2017
Subject: Berk /PE Electrical Pick Up
Group: S-Trains Message: 78976 From: Date: 2/11/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 12 February 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78977 From: David Dewey Date: 2/11/2017
Subject: Flyer Chat
Group: S-Trains Message: 78978 From: racin510 Date: 2/11/2017
Subject: Re: Berk /PE Electrical Pick Up
Group: S-Trains Message: 78979 From: Date: 2/12/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 12 February 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 78980 From: poniaj Date: 2/12/2017
Subject: Pullman style stools
Group: S-Trains Message: 78981 From: Date: 2/12/2017
Subject: S-Helper Consolidated problem
Group: S-Trains Message: 78982 From: Doug Peck Date: 2/12/2017
Subject: WANTED: SHS Hirail caboose or tender wheelsets
Group: S-Trains Message: 78983 From: John Degnan Date: 2/12/2017
Subject: WANTED : American Models 28" SCALE Wheels - 12
Group: S-Trains Message: 78984 From: R G Date: 2/12/2017
Subject: Re: S-Helper Consolidated problem
Group: S-Trains Message: 78985 From: Mike Andrzejewski Date: 2/12/2017
Subject: Re: Pullman style stools
Group: S-Trains Message: 78986 From: David Dewey Date: 2/13/2017
Subject: Oroville Dam--was Flyer Chat
Group: S-Trains Message: 78987 From: Date: 2/13/2017
Subject: Re: S-Helper Consolidated problem
Group: S-Trains Message: 78988 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 2/13/2017
Subject: Re: S-Helper Consolidated problem
Group: S-Trains Message: 78989 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 2/13/2017
Subject: Re: Oroville Dam--was Flyer Chat
Group: S-Trains Message: 78990 From: jhannawald Date: 2/13/2017
Subject: Re: S-Helper Consolidated problem
Group: S-Trains Message: 78991 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 2/14/2017
Subject: Re: Oroville Dam-was Flyer Chat
Group: S-Trains Message: 78992 From: sgaugian Date: 2/14/2017
Subject: Re: S-Helper Consolidated problem
Group: S-Trains Message: 78993 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 2/14/2017
Subject: Re: Oroville Dam-was Flyer Chat
Group: S-Trains Message: 78994 From: trndad Date: 2/14/2017
Subject: Re: WANTED: SHS Hirail caboose or tender wheelsets
Group: S-Trains Message: 78995 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 2/14/2017
Subject: Re: WANTED: SHS Hirail caboose or tender wheelsets
Group: S-Trains Message: 78996 From: rudypenne Date: 2/14/2017
Subject: Re: Oroville Dam-was Flyer Chat
Group: S-Trains Message: 78997 From: David Dewey Date: 2/17/2017
Subject: Re: Oroville Dam-was Flyer Chat
Group: S-Trains Message: 78998 From: ALAN Date: 2/17/2017
Subject: Re: Oroville Dam-was Flyer Chat
Group: S-Trains Message: 78999 From: racin510 Date: 2/17/2017
Subject: Re: Oroville Dam-was Flyer Chat
Group: S-Trains Message: 79000 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 2/17/2017
Subject: Suggestions and Ideas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79001 From: David Dewey Date: 2/17/2017
Subject: Re: Oroville Dam-was Flyer Chat
Group: S-Trains Message: 79002 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 2/17/2017
Subject: Re: Suggestions and Ideas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79003 From: Roy E Jones III Date: 2/18/2017
Subject: Re: Suggestions and Ideas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79004 From: Date: 2/18/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 19 February 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79005 From: Anthony Cynor Date: 2/18/2017
Subject: Re: Suggestions and Ideas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79006 From: David Dewey Date: 2/18/2017
Subject: Re: Suggestions and Ideas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79007 From: Bill Lane Date: 2/19/2017
Subject: turntable listing
Group: S-Trains Message: 79008 From: Date: 2/19/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 19 February 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79009 From: Richard Purnell Date: 2/19/2017
Subject: Union Pacific Challenger for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79010 From: snstrains Date: 2/19/2017
Subject: Re: Union Pacific Challenger for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79011 From: rick flaherty Date: 2/19/2017
Subject: Re: Union Pacific Challenger for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79012 From: Richard Purnell Date: 2/19/2017
Subject: Re: Union Pacific Challenger for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79013 From: rick flaherty Date: 2/19/2017
Subject: Re: Union Pacific Challenger for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79014 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 2/20/2017
Subject: SHS turnouts
Group: S-Trains Message: 79015 From: Batman Date: 2/21/2017
Subject: Re: SHS turnouts
Group: S-Trains Message: 79016 From: lgv_57 Date: 2/21/2017
Subject: Re: SHS turnouts
Group: S-Trains Message: 79017 From: Tom Date: 2/21/2017
Subject: Re: SHS turnouts
Group: S-Trains Message: 79018 From: Batman Date: 2/21/2017
Subject: Re: SHS turnouts
Group: S-Trains Message: 79019 From: richs009 Date: 2/21/2017
Subject: Radio control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79020 From: Batman Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79021 From: Peter Vanvliet Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79022 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79023 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79024 From: richs009 Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79025 From: Carey Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79026 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio control [2 Attachments]
Group: S-Trains Message: 79027 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio Control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79028 From: lgv_57 Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79029 From: lgv_57 Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79030 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Radio Control
Group: S-Trains Message: 79031 From: Robert Graves Date: 2/23/2017
Subject: For sale: American Flyer Remote Control Switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 79032 From: Dale Smith Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Improvements to the website
Group: S-Trains Message: 79033 From: Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7328
Group: S-Trains Message: 79034 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7328
Group: S-Trains Message: 79035 From: richs009 Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7328
Group: S-Trains Message: 79036 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7328
Group: S-Trains Message: 79037 From: Dale Smith Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7328
Group: S-Trains Message: 79038 From: Wayne Zebron Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Trains and Burns & Allen
Group: S-Trains Message: 79039 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7328
Group: S-Trains Message: 79040 From: Robert Graves Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7328
Group: S-Trains Message: 79041 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7328 [2 Attachments]
Group: S-Trains Message: 79042 From: Larry Moore Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Circus cut-outs
Group: S-Trains Message: 79043 From: Doug Peck Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Circus cut-outs
Group: S-Trains Message: 79044 From: ecphora123 Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: BK / Tru-Scale High Speed Turnouts
Group: S-Trains Message: 79045 From: Dale Smith Date: 2/25/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7328
Group: S-Trains Message: 79046 From: Dale Smith Date: 2/25/2017
Subject: Re: Trains and Burns & Allen
Group: S-Trains Message: 79047 From: David Dewey Date: 2/25/2017
Subject: 720 & 720A switches, etc.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79048 From: Date: 2/25/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 26 February 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79049 From: srjaynes Date: 2/25/2017
Subject: Re: For sale: American Flyer Remote Control Switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 79050 From: Robert Graves Date: 2/25/2017
Subject: Re: For sale: American Flyer Remote Control Switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 79051 From: racin510 Date: 2/26/2017
Subject: Re: Trains and Burns & Allen
Group: S-Trains Message: 79052 From: Wayne Zebron Date: 2/26/2017
Subject: Re: Trains and Burns & Allen
Group: S-Trains Message: 79053 From: Date: 2/26/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 26 February 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79054 From: Dale Smith Date: 2/26/2017
Subject: Re: Trains and Burns & Allen
Group: S-Trains Message: 79055 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 2/28/2017
Subject: need some pricing info
Group: S-Trains Message: 79056 From: pete.henningsen Date: 2/28/2017
Subject: Re: need some pricing info [3 Attachments]
Group: S-Trains Message: 79057 From: Robert Graves Date: 2/28/2017
Subject: Re: need some pricing info
Group: S-Trains Message: 79058 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 2/28/2017
Subject: Re: need some pricing info
Group: S-Trains Message: 79059 From: trainz4brainz Date: 2/28/2017
Subject: Re: need some pricing info
Group: S-Trains Message: 79060 From: attic02 Date: 2/28/2017
Subject: Re: need some pricing info [3 Attachments]
Group: S-Trains Message: 79061 From: snstrains Date: 2/28/2017
Subject: Re: need some pricing info [3 Attachments]
Group: S-Trains Message: 79062 From: timstrains2000 Date: 3/1/2017
Subject: Re: need some pricing info [3 Attachments]
Group: S-Trains Message: 79063 From: barry_ja Date: 3/1/2017
Subject: Re: need some pricing info
Group: S-Trains Message: 79064 From: Gary Chudzinski Date: 3/1/2017
Subject: AAA turntable
Group: S-Trains Message: 79065 From: wyoaf Date: 3/2/2017
Subject: Set 20605 American Flyer The Arrow graphics
Group: S-Trains Message: 79066 From: dphobbies Date: 3/3/2017
Subject: Fox Valley S Flex Track arrived in Des Plaines Today
Group: S-Trains Message: 79067 From: Charles Hancock Date: 3/3/2017
Subject: Cow on Track Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79068 From: Dale Smith Date: 3/3/2017
Subject: Re: Fox Valley S Flex Track arrived in Des Plaines Today
Group: S-Trains Message: 79069 From: degreen60 Date: 3/3/2017
Subject: American Flyer 583 crane
Group: S-Trains Message: 79070 From: degreen60 Date: 3/3/2017
Subject: Re: Cow on Track Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79071 From: Peter Vanvliet Date: 3/3/2017
Subject: Re: Fox Valley S Flex Track arrived in Des Plaines Today
Group: S-Trains Message: 79072 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 3/3/2017
Subject: Re: Cow on Track Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79073 From: Robert Graves Date: 3/3/2017
Subject: Re: Cow on Track Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79074 From: Date: 3/4/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 05 March 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79075 From: Dale Smith Date: 3/4/2017
Subject: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79076 From: snstrains Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79077 From: David Dewey Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79078 From: Daryl Olszeski Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79079 From: Frank Emiro Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79080 From: degreen60 Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79081 From: lx5043 Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79082 From: Yahoo Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Cow on Track Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79083 From: Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 05 March 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79084 From: alhbaker Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Lionel AF Berkshire Boiler Front
Group: S-Trains Message: 79085 From: carl4flyer Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel AF Berkshire Boiler Front
Group: S-Trains Message: 79086 From: snstrains Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79087 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79088 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79089 From: Charlie Vlk Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79090 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 3/5/2017
Subject: S Scale Locomotive & Supply
Group: S-Trains Message: 79091 From: Charles Hancock Date: 3/6/2017
Subject: Re: Cow on Track Question-revisited
Group: S-Trains Message: 79092 From: R G Date: 3/6/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79093 From: Dale Smith Date: 3/6/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79094 From: Doug Peck Date: 3/6/2017
Subject: Re: Cow on Track Question-revisited
Group: S-Trains Message: 79095 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 3/6/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: 561 S gauge locomotive
Group: S-Trains Message: 79096 From: sjbiat Date: 3/6/2017
Subject: 495 passenger car
Group: S-Trains Message: 79097 From: Doug Peck Date: 3/6/2017
Subject: Re: 495 passenger car
Group: S-Trains Message: 79098 From: Peter Vanvliet Date: 3/6/2017
Subject: S-scale Schnabel Car
Group: S-Trains Message: 79099 From: dphobbies Date: 3/7/2017
Subject: Re: Fox Valley S Flex Track arrived in Des Plaines Today
Group: S-Trains Message: 79100 From: Yahoo Date: 3/7/2017
Subject: Re: Cow on Track Question-revisited
Group: S-Trains Message: 79101 From: Dale Smith Date: 3/7/2017
Subject: Gauging on 21004
Group: S-Trains Message: 79102 From: racin510 Date: 3/7/2017
Subject: Re: Gauging on 21004
Group: S-Trains Message: 79103 From: Paul A Krause Date: 3/7/2017
Subject: Maine Central Decals Available
Group: S-Trains Message: 79104 From: richs009 Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: Gauging on 21004
Group: S-Trains Message: 79105 From: acgilbertguy Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79106 From: Dale Smith Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: Gauging on 21004
Group: S-Trains Message: 79107 From: hobbycj1 Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79108 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79109 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79110 From: Doug Peck Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79111 From: racin510 Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79112 From: R G Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79113 From: Doug Peck Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: Gauging on 21004
Group: S-Trains Message: 79114 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Trucks
Group: S-Trains Message: 79115 From: acgilbertguy Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79116 From: Dale Smith Date: 3/8/2017
Subject: Re: Gauging on 21004
Group: S-Trains Message: 79117 From: David Dewey Date: 3/9/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79118 From: richs009 Date: 3/9/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79119 From: racin510 Date: 3/9/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79120 From: Thomas Barker Date: 3/9/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79121 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 3/10/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79122 From: Date: 3/10/2017
Subject: American Flyer O Guage
Group: S-Trains Message: 79123 From: HOwingsiii@... Date: 3/10/2017
Subject: Re: American Flyer O Guage
Group: S-Trains Message: 79124 From: c100495 Date: 3/10/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79125 From: Paul A Krause Date: 3/10/2017
Subject: Maine Central Decals Available
Group: S-Trains Message: 79126 From: Yahoo Date: 3/10/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79127 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 3/10/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79128 From: Sam & Peggy Date: 3/10/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79129 From: racin510 Date: 3/10/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79130 From: racin510 Date: 3/10/2017
Subject: Re: 769 Revolving Aircraft Beacon
Group: S-Trains Message: 79131 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 3/11/2017
Subject: Necessary details - Fabrication limitations
Group: S-Trains Message: 79132 From: zemouse2001 Date: 3/11/2017
Subject: A bit OT: model railroading magazines need to go!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79133 From: poniaj Date: 3/11/2017
Subject: Re: Necessary details - Fabrication limitations
Group: S-Trains Message: 79134 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 3/11/2017
Subject: Steel Mill Operations
Group: S-Trains Message: 79135 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 3/11/2017
Subject: Re: Necessary details - Fabrication limitations
Group: S-Trains Message: 79136 From: Date: 3/12/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 12 March 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79137 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 3/12/2017
Subject: Steel Works and Details
Group: S-Trains Message: 79138 From: Eric Date: 3/12/2017
Subject: S-Helper Cars for Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79139 From: allscalerails Date: 3/12/2017
Subject: All Scale Rails Issue #13 March / April 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79140 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 3/12/2017
Subject: Re: Steel Works and Details
Group: S-Trains Message: 79141 From: trndad Date: 3/13/2017
Subject: Re: American Flyer O Guage
Group: S-Trains Message: 79142 From: jaytewilli Date: 3/13/2017
Subject: 946 Brakewheel Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79143 From: Doug Peck Date: 3/13/2017
Subject: Re: B&O F3 ??
Group: S-Trains Message: 79144 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 3/13/2017
Subject: Re: 946 Brakewheel Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79145 From: Daryl Olszeski Date: 3/13/2017
Subject: Re: 946 Brakewheel Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79146 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 3/13/2017
Subject: Re: 946 Brakewheel Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79147 From: Sage Viehe Date: 3/14/2017
Subject: Re: American Flyer O Guage
Group: S-Trains Message: 79148 From: trndad Date: 3/14/2017
Subject: Re: B&O F3 ??
Group: S-Trains Message: 79149 From: trndad Date: 3/14/2017
Subject: Re: B&O F3 ??
Group: S-Trains Message: 79150 From: Doug Peck Date: 3/15/2017
Subject: Re: B&O F3 ??
Group: S-Trains Message: 79151 From: Date: 3/18/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 19 March 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79152 From: vito4cal Date: 3/19/2017
Subject: Save the Dale - Last run of Arden Goehring's S scale UP layout
Group: S-Trains Message: 79153 From: Date: 3/19/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 19 March 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79154 From: damills18055 Date: 3/20/2017
Subject: Re: Save the Dale - Last run of Arden Goehring's S scale UP layout
Group: S-Trains Message: 79155 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 3/20/2017
Subject: Any one interested in Santa Fe Box cars new in the box?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79156 From: 1feralcat Date: 3/20/2017
Subject: Re: Any one interested in Santa Fe Box cars new in the box? [2 Attac
Group: S-Trains Message: 79157 From: Ben and Lynn Stiles Date: 3/20/2017
Subject: DC conversion- wiring code?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79158 From: tbennerohio Date: 3/22/2017
Subject: Re: new Fort Wayne Line update
Group: S-Trains Message: 79159 From: Jim Schiele Date: 3/22/2017
Subject: 375
Group: S-Trains Message: 79160 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 3/22/2017
Subject: Electrical hook-up
Group: S-Trains Message: 79161 From: Stanley Sobieski Date: 3/22/2017
Subject: Re: 375
Group: S-Trains Message: 79162 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 3/22/2017
Subject: Re: Electrical hook-up
Group: S-Trains Message: 79163 From: Yahoo Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: Re: Electrical hook-up
Group: S-Trains Message: 79164 From: damills18055 Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: Re: new Fort Wayne Line update
Group: S-Trains Message: 79165 From: tbennerohio Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: Re: new Fort Wayne Line update
Group: S-Trains Message: 79166 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: Re: Electrical hook-up
Group: S-Trains Message: 79167 From: The Laniers Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: Re: new Fort Wayne Line update
Group: S-Trains Message: 79168 From: Tom Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: reverse loops
Group: S-Trains Message: 79169 From: Tom Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79170 From: beebear Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: Re: new Fort Wayne Line update
Group: S-Trains Message: 79171 From: Tom Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: More reverse loop questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79172 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: Re: Electrical hook-up
Group: S-Trains Message: 79173 From: timstrains2000 Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79174 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 3/23/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79175 From: Tom Date: 3/24/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79176 From: richs009 Date: 3/24/2017
Subject: Re: Electrical hook-up
Group: S-Trains Message: 79177 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 3/24/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79178 From: richs009 Date: 3/24/2017
Subject: Re: Save the Dale - Last run of Arden Goehring's S scale UP layout
Group: S-Trains Message: 79179 From: tbennerohio Date: 3/24/2017
Subject: Re: A NEW LAYOUT
Group: S-Trains Message: 79180 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 3/24/2017
Subject: Re: Electrical hook-up
Group: S-Trains Message: 79181 From: racin510 Date: 3/24/2017
Subject: Re: Electrical hook-up
Group: S-Trains Message: 79182 From: gregory mccormack Date: 3/24/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79183 From: Doug Peck Date: 3/24/2017
Subject: Re: Electrical hook-up
Group: S-Trains Message: 79184 From: Anthony Cynor Date: 3/25/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79185 From: Date: 3/25/2017
Subject: April/May 2017 The S Scale Resource Magazine is Ready
Group: S-Trains Message: 79186 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 3/25/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79187 From: chuck_7612 Date: 3/25/2017
Subject: Adding custom decals
Group: S-Trains Message: 79188 From: Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79189 From: Anthony Cynor Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79190 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: gondolas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79191 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: gondolas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79192 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Unsubscribe
Group: S-Trains Message: 79193 From: richs009 Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Re: gondolas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79194 From: Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 26 March 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79195 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Mining
Group: S-Trains Message: 79196 From: Scott MacKenzie Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Re: Mining
Group: S-Trains Message: 79197 From: degreen60 Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Re: gondolas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79198 From: George Cohn Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Re: Mining
Group: S-Trains Message: 79199 From: racin510 Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Re: gondolas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79200 From: JOHN METZGER Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Re: gondolas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79201 From: Alan Smith Date: 3/26/2017
Subject: Re: Mining
Group: S-Trains Message: 79202 From: attic02 Date: 3/29/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79203 From: dphobbies Date: 3/29/2017
Subject: Fox Valley Models Flex Track Introductory Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79204 From: Ron Inscho Date: 3/29/2017
Subject: track trip
Group: S-Trains Message: 79205 From: damills18055 Date: 3/30/2017
Subject: Re: track trip
Group: S-Trains Message: 79206 From: degreen60 Date: 3/30/2017
Subject: Re: track trip
Group: S-Trains Message: 79207 From: John Davis Date: 3/30/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79208 From: damills18055 Date: 3/31/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79209 From: damills18055 Date: 3/31/2017
Subject: Re: track trip
Group: S-Trains Message: 79210 From: Roger Walton Date: 3/31/2017
Subject: 25046 rocket launcher
Group: S-Trains Message: 79211 From: Doug Peck Date: 3/31/2017
Subject: Re: 25046 rocket launcher
Group: S-Trains Message: 79212 From: Ray Puls Date: 3/31/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79213 From: rhicks308 Date: 3/31/2017
Subject: Reverse Loops Without Relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79214 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 3/31/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse Loops Without Relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79215 From: Anthony Cynor Date: 4/1/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse Loops Without Relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79216 From: HOwingsiii@... Date: 4/1/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79217 From: David Dewey Date: 4/1/2017
Subject: OT Save the Delta Queen, senate votes on Monday!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79218 From: JFrederick Roberts Date: 4/2/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse Loops Without Relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79219 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 4/2/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops without relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79220 From: poniaj Date: 4/2/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse Loops Without Relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79221 From: Bob South Date: 4/2/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse Loops Without Relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79222 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 4/2/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops without relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79223 From: George Cohn Date: 4/2/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops without relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79224 From: Bob South Date: 4/2/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops without relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79225 From: Bob South Date: 4/2/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops without relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79226 From: Roger Walton Date: 4/2/2017
Subject: 25046 rocket launcher followup
Group: S-Trains Message: 79227 From: racin510 Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: Re: 25046 rocket launcher followup
Group: S-Trains Message: 79228 From: racin510 Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops without relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79229 From: Alex Sibbald Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: Re: 25046 rocket launcher followup
Group: S-Trains Message: 79230 From: damills18055 Date: 4/3/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79231 From: Anthony Cynor Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops without relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79232 From: wyoaf Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse loops - part 2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79233 From: Anthony Cynor Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse Loops Without Relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79234 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: AF 70 ton rotating Trucks question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79235 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: Mad Scientist
Group: S-Trains Message: 79236 From: pickycat95 Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: Re: AF 70 ton rotating Trucks question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79237 From: Doug Peck Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: Re: {S-Scale List} latest RPC
Group: S-Trains Message: 79238 From: racin510 Date: 4/3/2017
Subject: Re: 25046 rocket launcher followup
Group: S-Trains Message: 79239 From: David Date: 4/4/2017
Subject: Re: Mad Scientist
Group: S-Trains Message: 79240 From: David Dewey Date: 4/4/2017
Subject: Re: Reverse Loops Without Relays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79241 From: stevew970 Date: 4/4/2017
Subject: Walthers sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79242 From: beebear Date: 4/4/2017
Subject: Re: AF 70 ton rotating Trucks question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79243 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 4/4/2017
Subject: Trucks for Ladle Cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 79244 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 4/5/2017
Subject: Re: Trucks for Ladle Cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 79245 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 4/5/2017
Subject: Re: AF 70 ton rotating Trucks question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79246 From: fyrrfytr49 Date: 4/5/2017
Subject: Re: Walthers sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79247 From: Robert Graves Date: 4/5/2017
Subject: Re: Walthers sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79248 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 4/5/2017
Subject: Re: Trucks for Ladle Cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 79249 From: Roger Walton Date: 4/6/2017
Subject: Re: 25046 rocket launcher followup
Group: S-Trains Message: 79250 From: racin510 Date: 4/6/2017
Subject: Re: 25046 rocket launcher followup
Group: S-Trains Message: 79251 From: John Keating Date: 4/6/2017
Subject: Lionel AF Big Boy Locomotives
Group: S-Trains Message: 79252 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 4/6/2017
Subject: Re: Trucks for Ladle Cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 79253 From: racin510 Date: 4/6/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel AF Big Boy Locomotives
Group: S-Trains Message: 79254 From: David Dewey Date: 4/6/2017
Subject: Lionel AF Big Boy Locomotives
Group: S-Trains Message: 79255 From: Ray Puls Date: 4/7/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel AF Big Boy Locomotives
Group: S-Trains Message: 79256 From: damills18055 Date: 4/7/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel AF Big Boy Locomotives
Group: S-Trains Message: 79257 From: trndad Date: 4/7/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel AF Big Boy Locomotives
Group: S-Trains Message: 79258 From: Gerry Evans Date: 4/7/2017
Subject: Zephyr For Sale...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79259 From: semaphorsignal Date: 4/7/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel AF Big Boy Locomotives
Group: S-Trains Message: 79260 From: Robert Graves Date: 4/8/2017
Subject: GM EMD locomotive "stuff"
Group: S-Trains Message: 79261 From: John Keating Date: 4/8/2017
Subject: Re: GM EMD locomotive "stuff"
Group: S-Trains Message: 79262 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 4/10/2017
Subject: 2017 Spring S Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79263 From: Eric Date: 4/11/2017
Subject: SHS Cars for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79264 From: vito4cal Date: 4/17/2017
Subject: Re: Save the Dale - Last run of Arden Goehring's S scale UP layout -
Group: S-Trains Message: 79265 From: Date: 4/19/2017
Subject: Transformer 'Phasing' related question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79266 From: richs009 Date: 4/20/2017
Subject: Re: Transformer 'Phasing' related question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79267 From: dave_w_03303 Date: 4/20/2017
Subject: Transformer 'Phasing' related question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79268 From: racin510 Date: 4/20/2017
Subject: Re: Transformer 'Phasing' related question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79269 From: Roger Haag Date: 4/20/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79270 From: Randall Griggs Date: 4/20/2017
Subject: Re: Transformer 'Phasing' related question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79271 From: rudypenne Date: 4/20/2017
Subject: Re: Transformer 'Phasing' related question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79272 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 4/20/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79273 From: Roger Haag Date: 4/20/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79274 From: dave_w_03303 Date: 4/20/2017
Subject: Re: Transformer 'Phasing' related question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79275 From: Mark Kiner Date: 4/20/2017
Subject: Re: Transformer 'Phasing' related question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79276 From: Jim Date: 4/21/2017
Subject: Union Pacific's Big Boy
Group: S-Trains Message: 79277 From: alhbaker Date: 4/21/2017
Subject: Re: Union Pacific's Big Boy
Group: S-Trains Message: 79278 From: Gerry Evans Date: 4/21/2017
Subject: Kits For Sale...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79279 From: Jim Date: 4/21/2017
Subject: Re: Union Pacific's Big Boy
Group: S-Trains Message: 79280 From: Gerry Evans Date: 4/21/2017
Subject: Kit Sale Update...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79281 From: Gerry Evans Date: 4/22/2017
Subject: FW: Kits For Sale...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79282 From: Peter Vanvliet Date: 4/22/2017
Subject: Wanted: Swap Hi-rail for Scale Wheels
Group: S-Trains Message: 79283 From: snstrains Date: 4/22/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted: Swap Hi-rail for Scale Wheels
Group: S-Trains Message: 79284 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 4/23/2017
Subject: What about "grass?"
Group: S-Trains Message: 79285 From: Kyle Date: 4/24/2017
Subject: Re: What about "grass?"
Group: S-Trains Message: 79286 From: zemouse2001 Date: 4/24/2017
Subject: Re: What about "grass?"
Group: S-Trains Message: 79287 From: John Davis Date: 4/24/2017
Subject: Re: What about "grass?"
Group: S-Trains Message: 79288 From: Ed Sauers Date: 4/24/2017
Subject: AF U33C Scale Wheels Needed
Group: S-Trains Message: 79289 From: Peter Vanvliet Date: 4/25/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted: Swap Hi-rail for Scale Wheels (follow-up/clarification)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79290 From: Jeffrey Madden Date: 4/26/2017
Subject: Rex parts at Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79291 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 4/27/2017
Subject: Re: Rex parts at the Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79292 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 4/27/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted: Swap Hi-rail for Scale Wheels (follow-up/clarification)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79293 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 4/27/2017
Subject: Re: Wanted: Swap Hi-rail for Scale Wheels (follow-up/clarification)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79294 From: Ed Sauers Date: 4/29/2017
Subject: Fwd: Lionel AM TMCC boards for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79295 From: beebear Date: 4/29/2017
Subject: Re: Rex parts at the Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79296 From: Ed Sauers Date: 4/29/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel AM TMCC boards for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79297 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 4/30/2017
Subject: Re: Rex parts at the Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79298 From: allscalerails Date: 5/2/2017
Subject: All Scale Rails Issue #14 May / June 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79299 From: Ernest Mennecke Date: 5/3/2017
Subject: 314AW Whistle Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79300 From: degreen60 Date: 5/3/2017
Subject: Re: 314AW Whistle Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79301 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 5/3/2017
Subject: Re: 314AW Whistle Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79302 From: Doug Peck Date: 5/3/2017
Subject: Re: 314AW Whistle Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79303 From: snstrains Date: 5/3/2017
Subject: 314AW Whistle Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79304 From: Eric Date: 5/3/2017
Subject: Re: S items to sell and AvailableSGauge not working for all.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79305 From: damills18055 Date: 5/4/2017
Subject: Re: 314AW Whistle Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79306 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 5/4/2017
Subject: Vanishing Yahoo groups
Group: S-Trains Message: 79307 From: Doug Peck Date: 5/4/2017
Subject: Re: 314AW Whistle Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79308 From: lx5043 Date: 5/4/2017
Subject: Re: 314AW Whistle Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79309 From: Thomas Barker Date: 5/4/2017
Subject: Re: 314AW Whistle Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79310 From: paul Date: 5/4/2017
Subject: Hijacking the 314 AW thread
Group: S-Trains Message: 79311 From: paul Date: 5/4/2017
Subject: Re: Hijacking the 314 AW thread
Group: S-Trains Message: 79312 From: Edward Musil Date: 5/4/2017
Subject: Re: Fix the buzzing of the speaker
Group: S-Trains Message: 79313 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 5/5/2017
Subject: Re: S items to sell and AvailableSGauge not working for all.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79314 From: paul Date: 5/5/2017
Subject: Re: Fix the buzzing of the speaker
Group: S-Trains Message: 79315 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 5/5/2017
Subject: Re: Vanishing Yahoo groups
Group: S-Trains Message: 79316 From: timstrains2000 Date: 5/5/2017
Subject: Re: Vanishing Yahoo groups
Group: S-Trains Message: 79317 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 5/5/2017
Subject: Re: Vanishing Yahoo groups
Group: S-Trains Message: 79318 From: David Dewey Date: 5/5/2017
Subject: Re: Hijacking the 314 AW thread
Group: S-Trains Message: 79319 From: David Dewey Date: 5/5/2017
Subject: Noisy speakers and Playing with AF trains!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79320 From: timstrains2000 Date: 5/6/2017
Subject: Re: Vanishing Yahoo groups
Group: S-Trains Message: 79321 From: paul Date: 5/6/2017
Subject: Re: Hijacking the 314 AW thread
Group: S-Trains Message: 79322 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 5/7/2017
Subject: Back from the Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79323 From: Bill Lane Date: 5/7/2017
Subject: selling my American Flyer collection
Group: S-Trains Message: 79324 From: Richard Falzini Date: 5/7/2017
Subject: Selling collection
Group: S-Trains Message: 79325 From: timstrains2000 Date: 5/7/2017
Subject: Re: Back from the Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79326 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 5/7/2017
Subject: Please Contact
Group: S-Trains Message: 79327 From: JFrederick Roberts Date: 5/7/2017
Subject: Re: Back from the Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79328 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 5/7/2017
Subject: Re: Back from the Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79329 From: poniaj Date: 5/8/2017
Subject: Re: Back from the Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79330 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 5/8/2017
Subject: Re: Back from the Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79332 From: poniaj Date: 5/8/2017
Subject: Re: Back from the Spree
Group: S-Trains Message: 79333 From: thecitrusbelt Date: 5/10/2017
Subject: Layouts Wanted For So. Calif. Layout Tour - August 19
Group: S-Trains Message: 79334 From: stevew970 Date: 5/15/2017
Subject: Harriman roofs
Group: S-Trains Message: 79335 From: stevew970 Date: 5/15/2017
Subject: Re: Harriman roofs
Group: S-Trains Message: 79336 From: Gerry Evans Date: 5/18/2017
Subject: CBQ Zephyr For Sale...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79337 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 5/18/2017
Subject: Need help with AF R27 automatic swtiches.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79338 From: damills18055 Date: 5/19/2017
Subject: Re: Need help with AF R27 automatic swtiches.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79339 From: Gerry Evans Date: 5/19/2017
Subject: CBQ Zephyr...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79340 From: pickycat95 Date: 5/19/2017
Subject: Flyonel Roller Bearing Truck Scale Wheels
Group: S-Trains Message: 79341 From: pickycat95 Date: 5/19/2017
Subject: Re: Flyonel Roller Bearing Truck Scale Wheels
Group: S-Trains Message: 79342 From: chuck_7612 Date: 5/19/2017
Subject: Re: Need help with AF R27 automatic swtiches.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79343 From: chuck_7612 Date: 5/19/2017
Subject: Re: Need help with AF R27 automatic swtiches.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79344 From: William J. Gill Date: 5/20/2017
Subject: Re: Flyonel Roller Bearing Truck Scale Wheels
Group: S-Trains Message: 79345 From: pickycat95 Date: 5/20/2017
Subject: Re: Flyonel Roller Bearing Truck Scale Wheels
Group: S-Trains Message: 79347 From: Date: 5/21/2017
Subject: June/July 2017 The S Scale Resource Magazine is Ready
Group: S-Trains Message: 79348 From: Eric Date: 5/23/2017
Subject: Layout Books by John Armstrong for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79349 From: damills18055 Date: 5/24/2017
Subject: Re: Layout Books by John Armstrong for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79350 From: David Dewey Date: 5/28/2017
Subject: Sacramento Train Show report
Group: S-Trains Message: 79351 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 5/30/2017
Subject: Re: Sacramento Train Show report
Group: S-Trains Message: 79352 From: oldrockygn Date: 5/31/2017
Subject: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79353 From: David Date: 5/31/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79354 From: Tom Date: 5/31/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79355 From: Bob South Date: 5/31/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79356 From: hunbet Date: 6/1/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79357 From: oldrockygn Date: 6/1/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79358 From: wjgill1 Date: 6/1/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79359 From: Bob South Date: 6/1/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79360 From: oldrockygn Date: 6/1/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79361 From: Bob South Date: 6/1/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79362 From: Robyn Watkins Date: 6/2/2017
Subject: FS-Sergent Engineering S scale couplers.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79363 From: oldrockygn Date: 6/2/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Switcher ???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79364 From: wcbeverly Date: 6/3/2017
Subject: Slim Gauge Guild Open House June 4th + 6th
Group: S-Trains Message: 79365 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 6/4/2017
Subject: Pictures of 3 Industrial Rail 4 bay hoopers next to a AM 3 bay hoppe
Group: S-Trains Message: 79366 From: Gerry Evans Date: 6/4/2017
Subject: For Sale...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79367 From: bobgarm Date: 6/5/2017
Subject: AF 914 Log Dump Car Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79368 From: racin510 Date: 6/6/2017
Subject: Re: AF 914 Log Dump Car Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79369 From: degreen60 Date: 6/6/2017
Subject: Re: AF 914 Log Dump Car Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79370 From: John Davis Date: 6/6/2017
Subject: Re: AF 914 Log Dump Car Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79371 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 6/6/2017
Subject: Dead Electronics
Group: S-Trains Message: 79372 From: Carey Date: 6/6/2017
Subject: Re: Dead Electronics
Group: S-Trains Message: 79373 From: snstrains Date: 6/6/2017
Subject: Re: Dead Electronics
Group: S-Trains Message: 79374 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/6/2017
Subject: Re: Dead Electronics
Group: S-Trains Message: 79376 From: timstrains2000 Date: 6/7/2017
Subject: Re: AF 914 Log Dump Car Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79377 From: R G Date: 6/10/2017
Subject: Re: AF 914 Log Dump Car Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79378 From: oldrockygn Date: 6/14/2017
Subject: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79379 From: ecphora123 Date: 6/15/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79380 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/15/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79381 From: Roger Haag Date: 6/15/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79382 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/15/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79383 From: Roger Haag Date: 6/15/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79384 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/15/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79385 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 6/15/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara
Group: S-Trains Message: 79386 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/15/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara
Group: S-Trains Message: 79387 From: Roger Haag Date: 6/15/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara
Group: S-Trains Message: 79388 From: Carey Date: 6/16/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara
Group: S-Trains Message: 79389 From: Roger Haag Date: 6/16/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79390 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/16/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79391 From: Roger Haag Date: 6/16/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79392 From: Tom Date: 6/16/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79393 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 6/16/2017
Subject: Can Motoring (was Sayonara)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79394 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/16/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79395 From: Roger Haag Date: 6/17/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79396 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 6/17/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79397 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 6/17/2017
Subject: Re: Can Motoring (was Sayonara)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79398 From: Roger Haag Date: 6/17/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79399 From: Roger Haag Date: 6/17/2017
Subject: Re: Can Motoring (was Sayonara)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79400 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/17/2017
Subject: Re: Sayonara ...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79401 From: beebear Date: 6/17/2017
Subject: Re: Can Motoring (was Sayonara)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79402 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 6/18/2017
Subject: Who would stay in S?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79403 From: snstrains Date: 6/19/2017
Subject: Re: Who would stay in S?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79404 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 6/19/2017
Subject: Re: Who would stay in S?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79405 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 6/19/2017
Subject: Re: Who would stay in S?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79406 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 6/19/2017
Subject: Re: Who would stay in S?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79407 From: acgilbertflyer Date: 6/19/2017
Subject: double pitch vs single pitch worm gears and Can motors
Group: S-Trains Message: 79408 From: snstrains Date: 6/19/2017
Subject: Re: double pitch vs single pitch worm gears and Can motors [2 Atta..
Group: S-Trains Message: 79409 From: Donald Keil Date: 6/19/2017
Subject: Re: Who would stay in S?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79410 From: pickycat95 Date: 6/21/2017
Subject: Replacement truck bolster for Lionel AF Cylindrical Covered Hopper
Group: S-Trains Message: 79411 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 6/21/2017
Subject: Re: Replacement truck bolster for Lionel AF Cylindrical Covered Hopp
Group: S-Trains Message: 79412 From: sgaugian Date: 6/21/2017
Subject: Re: Can Motoring (was Sayonara)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79413 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/21/2017
Subject: Re: Can Motoring (was Sayonara)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79414 From: chuck_7612 Date: 6/21/2017
Subject: Re: Can Motoring (was Sayonara)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79415 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 6/22/2017
Subject: How to Chrome
Group: S-Trains Message: 79416 From: Robert Graves Date: 6/24/2017
Subject: For Sale: Three Gilbert Sets
Group: S-Trains Message: 79417 From: Dale Smith Date: 6/24/2017
Subject: Re: How to Chrome
Group: S-Trains Message: 79418 From: SnSTrains@... Date: 6/24/2017
Subject: Happy birthday
Group: S-Trains Message: 79419 From: John Keating Date: 6/24/2017
Subject: Re: Happy birthday
Group: S-Trains Message: 79420 From: Robert Graves Date: 6/25/2017
Subject: Re: Happy birthday
Group: S-Trains Message: 79421 From: Donald Keil Date: 6/25/2017
Subject: Re: Happy birthday
Group: S-Trains Message: 79422 From: Date: 6/25/2017
Subject: Carl
Group: S-Trains Message: 79423 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/25/2017
Subject: Flanging the center driver of AF 6 coupled Steamers
Group: S-Trains Message: 79424 From: carl4flyer Date: 6/25/2017
Subject: Re: Carl
Group: S-Trains Message: 79425 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 6/25/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging center drivers...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79426 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/26/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging center drivers...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79427 From: Chris Harding Date: 6/26/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging the center driver of AF 6 coupled Steamers
Group: S-Trains Message: 79428 From: Kyle Date: 6/26/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging center drivers...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79429 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 6/27/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging center drivers...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79430 From: acgilbertflyer Date: 6/27/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging center drivers...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79431 From: acgilbertflyer Date: 6/27/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging center drivers... calculation
Group: S-Trains Message: 79432 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 6/27/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging center drivers...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79433 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 6/27/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging center drivers
Group: S-Trains Message: 79434 From: John Keating Date: 6/27/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging center drivers
Group: S-Trains Message: 79435 From: Chris Harding Date: 6/27/2017
Subject: Re: Flanged center drivers
Group: S-Trains Message: 79436 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 6/27/2017
Subject: Re: Flanged center drivers
Group: S-Trains Message: 79437 From: David Dewey Date: 6/27/2017
Subject: Re: Flanging center drivers
Group: S-Trains Message: 79438 From: vu68 Date: 6/28/2017
Subject: painting benchwork - to do or not to do
Group: S-Trains Message: 79439 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 6/28/2017
Subject: AM passenger cars constant lighting with capasitor to stop flickerin
Group: S-Trains Message: 79440 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 6/28/2017
Subject: Re: Painting benchwork...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79441 From: Ray Puls Date: 6/29/2017
Subject: Flanged drivers
Group: S-Trains Message: 79442 From: bobgarm Date: 6/30/2017
Subject: Re: AF 914 Log Dump Car Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79443 From: racin510 Date: 6/30/2017
Subject: Re: AF 914 Log Dump Car Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79444 From: David Dewey Date: 7/1/2017
Subject: Re: AF 914 Log Dump Car Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79445 From: Carey Probst Date: 7/2/2017
Subject: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79446 From: vtburtonra Date: 7/2/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79447 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 7/2/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79448 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 7/3/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79449 From: damills18055 Date: 7/4/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79450 From: rudypenne Date: 7/4/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79451 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 7/4/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79452 From: ken garber Date: 7/4/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7424
Group: S-Trains Message: 79453 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 7/4/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7424
Group: S-Trains Message: 79454 From: damills18055 Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79455 From: rudypenne Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7424
Group: S-Trains Message: 79456 From: carl4flyer Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79457 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7424
Group: S-Trains Message: 79458 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79459 From: Carey Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79460 From: rudypenne Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7424
Group: S-Trains Message: 79461 From: rudypenne Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79462 From: rudypenne Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Fwd: [S-Trains] Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79463 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7424
Group: S-Trains Message: 79464 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: I have a Lionel AF DCC Diesel that will not move in either direction
Group: S-Trains Message: 79465 From: Bill Clark Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: I have a Lionel AF DCC Diesel that will not move in either direc
Group: S-Trains Message: 79466 From: snstrains Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: I have a Lionel AF DCC Diesel that will not move in either dir..
Group: S-Trains Message: 79467 From: mmcconn12 Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79468 From: rudypenne Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79469 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Wiring question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79470 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: I have an extra AM Union Pacific baggage car
Group: S-Trains Message: 79471 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: I have an extra AM Union Pacific baggage car
Group: S-Trains Message: 79472 From: Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79473 From: Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79474 From: rick flaherty Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79475 From: Robert Lampe Date: 7/5/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79476 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 7/6/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79477 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 7/6/2017
Subject: Re: I have a Lionel AF DCC Diesel that will not move in either direc
Group: S-Trains Message: 79478 From: Richard Falzini Date: 7/6/2017
Subject: Interested in selling off my stuff
Group: S-Trains Message: 79479 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 7/6/2017
Subject: RE Don Thompson...OOPS!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79480 From: hugoroundhouse Date: 7/6/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79481 From: Tom Hawley Date: 7/6/2017
Subject: Re: I have a Lionel AF DCC Diesel that will not move in either direc
Group: S-Trains Message: 79482 From: bobgarm Date: 7/6/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79483 From: hudsoncentralrr Date: 7/6/2017
Subject: Re: I have a Lionel AF DCC Diesel that will not move in either direc
Group: S-Trains Message: 79484 From: JFrederick Roberts Date: 7/6/2017
Subject: Re: RE Don Thompson...OOPS!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79485 From: Date: 7/6/2017
Subject: 18B 175 Watt Dual Control Transformer Problem
Group: S-Trains Message: 79486 From: trainz4brainz Date: 7/7/2017
Subject: Re: 18B 175 Watt Dual Control Transformer Problem
Group: S-Trains Message: 79487 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 7/7/2017
Subject: Re: 18B 175 Watt Dual Control Transformer Problem
Group: S-Trains Message: 79488 From: Date: 7/7/2017
Subject: Re: RE Don Thompson...OOPS!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79489 From: damills18055 Date: 7/7/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79490 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 7/8/2017
Subject: Just hook up the
Group: S-Trains Message: 79491 From: rhicks308 Date: 7/8/2017
Subject: Re: 18B 175 Watt Dual Control Transformer Problem
Group: S-Trains Message: 79492 From: allscalerails Date: 7/9/2017
Subject: All Scale Rails Issue #15 July / August 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79493 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 7/9/2017
Subject: David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79494 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 7/9/2017
Subject: Re: David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79495 From: rudypenne Date: 7/9/2017
Subject: Re: David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79496 From: afjeff_56 Date: 7/9/2017
Subject: Re: David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79497 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 7/9/2017
Subject: Re: David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79498 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 7/9/2017
Subject: Re: David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79499 From: traindavid Date: 7/10/2017
Subject: The Fire & Us David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79500 From: sgaugian Date: 7/10/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79501 From: Tom Date: 7/10/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79502 From: sgaugian Date: 7/10/2017
Subject: Re: The Fire & Us David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79503 From: rudypenne Date: 7/11/2017
Subject: Re: The Fire & Us David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79504 From: Kyle Date: 7/11/2017
Subject: NASG Convention tour registration extended
Group: S-Trains Message: 79505 From: traindavid Date: 7/12/2017
Subject: The Fire & Us David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79506 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 7/12/2017
Subject: Re: The Fire & David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79507 From: Larry Moore Date: 7/12/2017
Subject: Re: The Fire & Us David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79508 From: Doug Peck Date: 7/12/2017
Subject: Re: The Fire & Us David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79509 From: Frank Emiro Date: 7/12/2017
Subject: Re: The Fire & Us David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79510 From: JFrederick Roberts Date: 7/12/2017
Subject: Re: The Fire & Us David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79511 From: damills18055 Date: 7/13/2017
Subject: Re: The Fire & Us David Dewey
Group: S-Trains Message: 79512 From: rudypenne Date: 7/13/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79513 From: Frank Emiro Date: 7/13/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79514 From: Gerry Evans Date: 7/13/2017
Subject: Cars For Sale...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79515 From: barb Date: 7/13/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number
Group: S-Trains Message: 79516 From: Doug Peck Date: 7/14/2017
Subject: Re: Don T
Group: S-Trains Message: 79517 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 7/14/2017
Subject: Re: Don Thompson
Group: S-Trains Message: 79518 From: barb Date: 7/15/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7435
Group: S-Trains Message: 79519 From: thecitrusbelt Date: 7/18/2017
Subject: First Layout Tour Of 2018 (So. Calif.)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79520 From: Frank Emiro Date: 7/18/2017
Subject: Re: First Layout Tour Of 2018 (So. Calif.)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79521 From: Ingram-James4-YahooGrps-17701 Date: 7/21/2017
Subject: -Video of Auto. Controls Display for NASG Convention
Group: S-Trains Message: 79522 From: Date: 7/25/2017
Subject: August/September 2017 The S Scale Resource Magazine is Ready
Group: S-Trains Message: 79523 From: attic02 Date: 7/25/2017
Subject: Super Sale Trainworld.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79524 From: bobgarm Date: 7/28/2017
Subject: Re: AF 914 Log Dump Car Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79525 From: Doug Peck Date: 7/29/2017
Subject: Downs Model RR question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79526 From: Robert Graves Date: 7/29/2017
Subject: 730 Bumper
Group: S-Trains Message: 79527 From: Ingram-James-Yahoo-Grps Date: 7/30/2017
Subject: -VIDEO: Automatic Controls COMPILATION for 2017 NASG Convention
Group: S-Trains Message: 79528 From: Doug Peck Date: 7/30/2017
Subject: Re: 730 Bumper
Group: S-Trains Message: 79529 From: damills18055 Date: 7/30/2017
Subject: Re: Downs Model RR question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79530 From: Doug Peck Date: 7/30/2017
Subject: Re: Downs Model RR question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79531 From: Doug Peck Date: 7/30/2017
Subject: Two desirable kits on EBAY
Group: S-Trains Message: 79532 From: racin510 Date: 7/30/2017
Subject: Re: 730 Bumper
Group: S-Trains Message: 79533 From: damills18055 Date: 7/30/2017
Subject: Re: 730 Bumper
Group: S-Trains Message: 79534 From: amflyral Date: 7/31/2017
Subject: American Models GG-1 & PRR K-4
Group: S-Trains Message: 79535 From: amflyral Date: 7/31/2017
Subject: GG-1 PRR K-4
Group: S-Trains Message: 79536 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 7/31/2017
Subject: Re: 730 Bumper
Group: S-Trains Message: 79537 From: Doug Peck Date: 7/31/2017
Subject: Re: 730 Bumper
Group: S-Trains Message: 79538 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 7/31/2017
Subject: Re: 730 Bumper
Group: S-Trains Message: 79539 From: jaytewilli Date: 7/31/2017
Subject: Lionel American Flyer EP5 Horn
Group: S-Trains Message: 79540 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 8/1/2017
Subject: Re: 730 Bumper
Group: S-Trains Message: 79541 From: Date: 8/1/2017
Subject: Polar Express layout
Group: S-Trains Message: 79542 From: Doug Peck Date: 8/1/2017
Subject: Re: Polar Express layout
Group: S-Trains Message: 79543 From: Date: 8/1/2017
Subject: Re: Polar Express layout
Group: S-Trains Message: 79544 From: Doug Peck Date: 8/1/2017
Subject: Re: Polar Express layout
Group: S-Trains Message: 79545 From: JOHN RUTH Date: 8/1/2017
Subject: Franklin Decal Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79546 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 8/1/2017
Subject: Re: Franklin Decal Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79547 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 8/3/2017
Subject: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79548 From: Doug Peck Date: 8/3/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79549 From: Dale Smith Date: 8/3/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79550 From: David Dewey Date: 8/3/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79551 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 8/4/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79552 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 8/4/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79553 From: Doug Peck Date: 8/4/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79554 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79555 From: David Dewey Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79556 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79557 From: trainz4brainz Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79558 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler [1 Attachment]
Group: S-Trains Message: 79559 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79560 From: Dale Smith Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79561 From: Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: S Polar Express
Group: S-Trains Message: 79562 From: jaytewilli Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel American Flyer EP5 Horn
Group: S-Trains Message: 79563 From: Doug Peck Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: S Polar Express
Group: S-Trains Message: 79564 From: Robert Graves Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79565 From: pickycat95 Date: 8/5/2017
Subject: Re: S Polar Express
Group: S-Trains Message: 79566 From: Dale Smith Date: 8/6/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79567 From: Date: 8/6/2017
Subject: Re: S Polar Express
Group: S-Trains Message: 79568 From: Date: 8/6/2017
Subject: Re: S Polar Express
Group: S-Trains Message: 79569 From: herbw202 Date: 8/6/2017
Subject: Re: Oddball 706 Uncoupler
Group: S-Trains Message: 79570 From: poniaj Date: 8/6/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel American Flyer EP5 Horn
Group: S-Trains Message: 79571 From: fredlubb Date: 8/6/2017
Subject: French JEP S gauge
Group: S-Trains Message: 79572 From: jaytewilli Date: 8/6/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel American Flyer EP5 Horn
Group: S-Trains Message: 79573 From: David Avedesian Date: 8/7/2017
Subject: S-Scale/S-Trains/American Flyer Double Helix
Group: S-Trains Message: 79574 From: pickycat95 Date: 8/8/2017
Subject: Flyonel Cylindrial Hopper Replacement Bolster at NASG Convention
Group: S-Trains Message: 79575 From: SnSTrains@... Date: 8/9/2017
Subject: Jack Ruth
Group: S-Trains Message: 79576 From: race944t Date: 8/10/2017
Subject: Re: Jack Ruth
Group: S-Trains Message: 79577 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 8/10/2017
Subject: a project for you
Group: S-Trains Message: 79578 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 8/10/2017
Subject: Re: a project for you
Group: S-Trains Message: 79579 From: sgaugian Date: 8/13/2017
Subject: NASG 2017 Convention - photos, video, and presentation
Group: S-Trains Message: 79580 From: Doug Peck Date: 8/14/2017
Subject: 2018 NASG Convention, and operating layouts
Group: S-Trains Message: 79581 From: JOHN RUTH Date: 8/15/2017
Subject: The future of model railroading
Group: S-Trains Message: 79582 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 8/15/2017
Subject: Re: The future of model railroading
Group: S-Trains Message: 79583 From: Date: 8/15/2017
Subject: Re: The future of model railroading
Group: S-Trains Message: 79584 From: Peter Vanvliet Date: 8/15/2017
Subject: Video of Layouts At 2017 NASG Convention
Group: S-Trains Message: 79585 From: JFrederick Roberts Date: 8/15/2017
Subject: Re: The future of model railroading
Group: S-Trains Message: 79586 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 8/16/2017
Subject: Re: The future of model railroading
Group: S-Trains Message: 79587 From: Tom Hawley Date: 8/16/2017
Subject: Re: The future of model railroading
Group: S-Trains Message: 79588 From: jims.junk Date: 8/16/2017
Subject: A post
Group: S-Trains Message: 79589 From: John Keating Date: 8/16/2017
Subject: Re: A post
Group: S-Trains Message: 79590 From: John Keating Date: 8/16/2017
Subject: Re: A post
Group: S-Trains Message: 79591 From: doc_strains Date: 8/16/2017
Subject: Re: The future of model railroading
Group: S-Trains Message: 79592 From: redpinto756@... Date: 8/16/2017
Subject: Re: The future of model railroading
Group: S-Trains Message: 79593 From: Ray Puls Date: 8/17/2017
Subject: Re: The future of model railroading
Group: S-Trains Message: 79594 From: John Degnan Date: 8/17/2017
Subject: Best Paint Remover For SHS Models?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79595 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 8/17/2017
Subject: Tube Train prototype?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79596 From: dphobbies Date: 8/21/2017
Subject: Wanted to trade: SHS HR switcher wheels
Group: S-Trains Message: 79597 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 8/28/2017
Subject: Re: {S-Scale List} Re: info on 595 talking tool shed
Group: S-Trains Message: 79598 From: Edward Loizeaux Date: 8/29/2017
Subject: American Models Combine (wanted)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79599 From: Edward Loizeaux Date: 8/29/2017
Subject: American Models Combine (wanted)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79600 From: Date: 8/30/2017
Subject: The Indianapolis O Scale / S Scale Midwest Show
Group: S-Trains Message: 79601 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 9/2/2017
Subject: New Miniature World Exhibit in NY
Group: S-Trains Message: 79602 From: Doug Peck Date: 9/2/2017
Subject: Re: {S-Scale List} New Miniature World Exhibit in NY
Group: S-Trains Message: 79603 From: allscalerails Date: 9/3/2017
Subject: All Scale Rails Issue #16 September / October 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79604 From: rebendever Date: 9/3/2017
Subject: DEBenLLC 17% Off Labor Day Sale!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79605 From: Ingram-James-Yahoo-Grps Date: 9/6/2017
Subject: Video: Auto. Controls Layout At NASG Convention
Group: S-Trains Message: 79606 From: trainz4brainz Date: 9/6/2017
Subject: Re: Video: Auto. Controls Layout At NASG Convention
Group: S-Trains Message: 79607 From: Mike Vana Date: 9/6/2017
Subject: A Railroad's S gauge layout in Kansas City, Missouri
Group: S-Trains Message: 79608 From: Eric Date: 9/7/2017
Subject: S Rolling stock for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79609 From: Date: 9/8/2017
Subject: Indianapolis O Scale and S Scale Midwest Show
Group: S-Trains Message: 79610 From: Date: 9/8/2017
Subject: Indianapolis O Scale and S Scale Midwest Show - Updated
Group: S-Trains Message: 79611 From: barb Date: 9/9/2017
Subject: Hurricane Irma
Group: S-Trains Message: 79612 From: Doug Peck Date: 9/9/2017
Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma
Group: S-Trains Message: 79613 From: Date: 9/9/2017
Subject: American Flyer ALCO PA derails at switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 79614 From: Frank Emiro Date: 9/9/2017
Subject: Re: Indianapolis O Scale and S Scale Midwest Show
Group: S-Trains Message: 79615 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 9/9/2017
Subject: Re: American Flyer ALCO PA derails at switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 79616 From: Tom Hawley Date: 9/10/2017
Subject: Re: Indianapolis O Scale and S Scale Midwest Show
Group: S-Trains Message: 79617 From: Frank Emiro Date: 9/10/2017
Subject: Re: Indianapolis O Scale and S Scale Midwest Show
Group: S-Trains Message: 79618 From: mmcconn12 Date: 9/10/2017
Subject: Re: American Flyer ALCO PA derails at switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 79619 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 9/10/2017
Subject: Re: American Flyer ALCO PA derails at switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 79620 From: dphobbies Date: 9/11/2017
Subject: New Fox Valley Models S Gauge Turnouts now Shipping
Group: S-Trains Message: 79621 From: Sage Viehe Date: 9/12/2017
Subject: Re: American Flyer ALCO PA derails at switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 79622 From: Terry Wellman Date: 9/12/2017
Subject: New Manufacturer to the S scale/American Flyer community
Group: S-Trains Message: 79623 From: chuck_7612 Date: 9/12/2017
Subject: Re: New Manufacturer to the S scale/American Flyer community
Group: S-Trains Message: 79624 From: Doug Peck Date: 9/13/2017
Subject: Re: {S-Scale List} New manufacturer to the S scale community
Group: S-Trains Message: 79625 From: Date: 9/13/2017
Subject: Re: New Manufacturer to the S scale/American Flyer community
Group: S-Trains Message: 79626 From: rudypenne Date: 9/14/2017
Subject: Fwd: Terrible misfortune
Group: S-Trains Message: 79627 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 9/14/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: Terrible misfortune
Group: S-Trains Message: 79628 From: Doug Peck Date: 9/14/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: Terrible misfortune
Group: S-Trains Message: 79629 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 9/14/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: Terrible misfortune
Group: S-Trains Message: 79630 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 9/14/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: Terrible misfortune
Group: S-Trains Message: 79631 From: George Cohn Date: 9/15/2017
Subject: Re: Fwd: Terrible misfortune
Group: S-Trains Message: 79632 From: fyrrfytr49 Date: 9/15/2017
Subject: HURRICANE Info...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79633 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 9/16/2017
Subject: Re: Hurricane
Group: S-Trains Message: 79634 From: Ken Christiansen Date: 9/16/2017
Subject: Re: HURRICANE Info...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79635 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 9/16/2017
Subject: Re: Hurricane
Group: S-Trains Message: 79636 From: Doug Peck Date: 9/16/2017
Subject: Re: Hurricane
Group: S-Trains Message: 79637 From: Clay Buckage Date: 9/16/2017
Subject: Re: Hurricane
Group: S-Trains Message: 79638 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 9/17/2017
Subject: Re: Hurricane
Group: S-Trains Message: 79639 From: Roger Walton Date: 9/17/2017
Subject: death of Harry Kidd
Group: S-Trains Message: 79640 From: race944t Date: 9/18/2017
Subject: Re: Hurricane
Group: S-Trains Message: 79641 From: Bob Moyer Date: 9/18/2017
Subject: Re: Hurricane
Group: S-Trains Message: 79642 From: dphobbies Date: 9/19/2017
Subject: All New American Flyer Compatible CAR
Group: S-Trains Message: 79643 From: chuck_7612 Date: 9/19/2017
Subject: Re: All New American Flyer Compatible CAR
Group: S-Trains Message: 79644 From: Sam & Peggy Date: 9/20/2017
Subject: Re: New Manufacturer to the S scale/American Flyer community
Group: S-Trains Message: 79645 From: Dale Smith Date: 9/20/2017
Subject: Re: All New American Flyer Compatible CAR
Group: S-Trains Message: 79646 From: Terry Wellman Date: 9/20/2017
Subject: Re: New Manufacturer to the S scale/American Flyer community
Group: S-Trains Message: 79647 From: Date: 9/20/2017
Subject: Re: All New American Flyer Compatible CAR
Group: S-Trains Message: 79648 From: garydmccullah Date: 9/20/2017
Subject: Need contact
Group: S-Trains Message: 79649 From: garydmccullah Date: 9/20/2017
Subject: Contact
Group: S-Trains Message: 79650 From: Tom Hawley Date: 9/20/2017
Subject: Re: All New American Flyer Compatible car
Group: S-Trains Message: 79651 From: crescentcitys Date: 9/21/2017
Subject: Re: Contact
Group: S-Trains Message: 79652 From: crescentcitys Date: 9/22/2017
Subject: Re: Contact
Group: S-Trains Message: 79653 From: Date: 9/23/2017
Subject: Grade question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79654 From: hobbycj1 Date: 9/23/2017
Subject: Re: Grade question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79655 From: chuck_7612 Date: 9/23/2017
Subject: Re: Grade question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79656 From: Date: 9/23/2017
Subject: Re: Grade question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79657 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 9/24/2017
Subject: Soldering station question.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79658 From: Carey Probst Date: 9/24/2017
Subject: Re: Soldering station question.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79659 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 9/24/2017
Subject: Re: Soldering station question.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79660 From: Ken Christiansen Date: 9/24/2017
Subject: Re: Grade question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79661 From: barb Date: 9/24/2017
Subject: Hurricane Aftermath
Group: S-Trains Message: 79662 From: Dale Smith Date: 9/24/2017
Subject: 700X terminal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79663 From: damills18055 Date: 9/25/2017
Subject: Re: Hurricane Aftermath
Group: S-Trains Message: 79664 From: afjeff_56 Date: 9/25/2017
Subject: Re: Hurricane Aftermath
Group: S-Trains Message: 79665 From: jimbogodofunix Date: 9/25/2017
Subject: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79666 From: Robert Graves Date: 9/25/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79667 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 9/25/2017
Subject: Re: 700X terminal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79668 From: dphobbies Date: 9/25/2017
Subject: A Few More New FVM Hirail Switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 79669 From: Dale Smith Date: 9/25/2017
Subject: Re: 700X terminal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79670 From: Robert Graves Date: 9/25/2017
Subject: Re: 700X terminal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79671 From: racin510 Date: 9/25/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79672 From: Dale Smith Date: 9/26/2017
Subject: Re: 700X terminal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79673 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 9/26/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79674 From: Dale Smith Date: 9/26/2017
Subject: Re: 700X terminal - We have an answer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79675 From: Dale Smith Date: 9/26/2017
Subject: Re: 700X terminal - We have an answer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79676 From: alosterud Date: 9/26/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79677 From: Date: 9/27/2017
Subject: October/November 2017 The S Scale Resource Magazine is Ready
Group: S-Trains Message: 79678 From: af4mark Date: 9/27/2017
Subject: engine driver shrinkage, early years
Group: S-Trains Message: 79679 From: Date: 9/28/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79680 From: njma41 Date: 9/29/2017
Subject: 21004
Group: S-Trains Message: 79681 From: Bob Iannacone Date: 9/29/2017
Subject: Re: 21004
Group: S-Trains Message: 79682 From: HOwingsiii@... Date: 9/29/2017
Subject: Re: 21004
Group: S-Trains Message: 79683 From: alosterud Date: 9/29/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79684 From: Doug Peck Date: 9/29/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79685 From: Eric Date: 9/30/2017
Subject: S trains rolling stock for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79686 From: Eric Date: 9/30/2017
Subject: S Rolling Stock for Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79687 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 9/30/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79688 From: albert paolozzi Date: 9/30/2017
Subject: Re: 21004
Group: S-Trains Message: 79689 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 10/1/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79690 From: Yahoo Date: 10/1/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79691 From: rudypenne Date: 10/1/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79692 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 10/1/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79693 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 10/1/2017
Subject: Re: Track Rust Removal >> OT Conductive Oil
Group: S-Trains Message: 79694 From: ecphora123 Date: 10/3/2017
Subject: American Flyer Freight Car Trucks
Group: S-Trains Message: 79695 From: richs009 Date: 10/3/2017
Subject: NASG Flyer lists
Group: S-Trains Message: 79696 From: Dale Minard Date: 10/3/2017
Subject: Re: NASG Flyer lists
Group: S-Trains Message: 79697 From: Dale Smith Date: 10/4/2017
Subject: Re: NASG Flyer lists
Group: S-Trains Message: 79698 From: richs009 Date: 10/4/2017
Subject: Re: NASG Flyer lists
Group: S-Trains Message: 79699 From: ken garber Date: 10/5/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7493
Group: S-Trains Message: 79700 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 10/6/2017
Subject: What was the fluid that plasticvile people came with to use with pai
Group: S-Trains Message: 79701 From: Mike Leahy Date: 10/8/2017
Subject: A.C. Gilbert Erector Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79702 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 10/8/2017
Subject: Re: A.C. Gilbert Erector Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79703 From: srjaynes Date: 10/8/2017
Subject: Re: A.C. Gilbert Erector Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79704 From: damills18055 Date: 10/9/2017
Subject: Re: A.C. Gilbert Erector Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79705 From: Stanley Sobieski Date: 10/9/2017
Subject: Re: A.C. Gilbert Erector Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79706 From: Thomas Barker Date: 10/9/2017
Subject: Re: A.C. Gilbert Erector Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79707 From: Date: 10/10/2017
Subject: S-Tracks turnouts
Group: S-Trains Message: 79708 From: HOwingsiii@... Date: 10/10/2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79709 From: Peter Vanvliet Date: 10/12/2017
Subject: S-Helper Service #3 Turnout History
Group: S-Trains Message: 79710 From: carl4flyer Date: 10/12/2017
Subject: Re: S-Helper Service #3 Turnout History
Group: S-Trains Message: 79711 From: Bill Lane Date: 10/12/2017
Subject: Selling my American Flyer Collection
Group: S-Trains Message: 79712 From: Date: 10/16/2017
Subject: 30% off Sale - check out our eBay store
Group: S-Trains Message: 79713 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 10/16/2017
Subject: Artical about Rail Pro on Free Model Railroad Hobbyist
Group: S-Trains Message: 79714 From: Dale Smith Date: 10/16/2017
Subject: Passing of Jake Jacobsen
Group: S-Trains Message: 79715 From: Doug Peck Date: 10/17/2017
Subject: Re: {S-Scale List} Re: NMRA Commemorative Cars ( was Re: NASG / NMRA
Group: S-Trains Message: 79716 From: Doug Peck Date: 10/17/2017
Subject: Re: {S-Scale List} Re: NMRA Commemorative Cars ( was Re: NASG / NMRA
Group: S-Trains Message: 79717 From: JOHN RUTH Date: 10/17/2017
Subject: Modeling a Circu Train
Group: S-Trains Message: 79718 From: Doug Peck Date: 10/17/2017
Subject: Re: Modeling a Circus Train
Group: S-Trains Message: 79719 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 10/17/2017
Subject: Re: Modeling a circus train
Group: S-Trains Message: 79720 From: David Dewey Date: 10/18/2017
Subject: LBR and health problems
Group: S-Trains Message: 79721 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 10/21/2017
Subject: Factory paint match
Group: S-Trains Message: 79722 From: David Dewey Date: 10/21/2017
Subject: Another Reason S folks don't like Classic Toy Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 79723 From: Alan Bennett Date: 10/21/2017
Subject: Another Reason S folks don't like Classic Toy Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 79724 From: Stanley Sobieski Date: 10/21/2017
Subject: Re: Another Reason S folks don't like Classic Toy Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 79725 From: John Degnan Date: 10/21/2017
Subject: 3/16 "S"cale Railroading Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79726 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 10/22/2017
Subject: Re: 3/16 "S"cale Railroading Issues
Group: S-Trains Message: 79727 From: Bob Iannacone Date: 10/22/2017
Subject: Looking to Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79728 From: Frank Emiro Date: 10/22/2017
Subject: Re: Looking to Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79729 From: Bob Iannacone Date: 10/22/2017
Subject: FW: [S-Trains] Looking to Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79730 From: frank emiro Date: 10/22/2017
Subject: Re: Looking to Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 79731 From: David Dewey Date: 10/23/2017
Subject: Re: Another Reason S folks don't like Classic Toy Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 79732 From: njma41 Date: 10/23/2017
Subject: Re: Another Reason S folks don't like Classic Toy Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 79733 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 10/23/2017
Subject: Re: Another Reason S folks don't like Classic Toy Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 79734 From: njma41 Date: 10/23/2017
Subject: Re: Another Reason S folks don't like Classic Toy Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 79735 From: Date: 10/23/2017
Subject: Announcing a new load designed to fit the S Scale America Thrall 52'
Group: S-Trains Message: 79736 From: poniaj Date: 10/24/2017
Subject: Re: Another Reason S folks don't like Classic Toy Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 79737 From: Tom Date: 10/24/2017
Subject: Re: Another Reason S folks don't like Classic Toy Trains
Group: S-Trains Message: 79738 From: thecitrusbelt Date: 10/24/2017
Subject: Layouts Needed For Burbank To Simi Valley Tour (So. Calif.)
Group: S-Trains Message: 79739 From: SnSTrains@... Date: 10/24/2017
Subject: 5xx Pass cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 79740 From: damills18055 Date: 10/25/2017
Subject: Re: 5xx Pass cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 79741 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 10/25/2017
Subject: AF's new cross over has an issue with old AF wheels
Group: S-Trains Message: 79742 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 10/25/2017
Subject: Do you know of a speaker amplifier I can use on the Polar Express?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79743 From: John Keating Date: 10/25/2017
Subject: Re: Do you know of a speaker amplifier I can use on the Polar Expres
Group: S-Trains Message: 79744 From: Date: 10/25/2017
Subject: Re: Passing of Jake Jacobsen
Group: S-Trains Message: 79745 From: stevew970 Date: 10/25/2017
Subject: Reading roof & vents
Group: S-Trains Message: 79746 From: David Dewey Date: 10/26/2017
Subject: More CTT 30 years Lionel Only stuff
Group: S-Trains Message: 79747 From: Ray Puls Date: 10/26/2017
Subject: 3a. Do you know of a speaker amplifier I can use on the Polar Expres
Group: S-Trains Message: 79748 From: Lanier Date: 10/26/2017
Subject: Re: 3a. Do you know of a speaker amplifier I can use on the Polar Ex
Group: S-Trains Message: 79749 From: Gerry Evans Date: 10/26/2017
Subject: Engine For Sale...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79750 From: mike rosz Date: 10/26/2017
Subject: Re: More CTT 30 years Lionel Only stuff
Group: S-Trains Message: 79751 From: poniaj Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: More CTT 30 years Lionel Only stuff
Group: S-Trains Message: 79752 From: Ray Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7508
Group: S-Trains Message: 79753 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: The CTT Thing
Group: S-Trains Message: 79754 From: Brett Schormann Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: The CTT Thing
Group: S-Trains Message: 79755 From: Mike Leahy Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Gilbert Erector Sets
Group: S-Trains Message: 79756 From: Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: All Aboard panels for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79757 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: The CTT Thing
Group: S-Trains Message: 79758 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: The CTT Thing
Group: S-Trains Message: 79759 From: Doug Peck Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: The CTT Thing
Group: S-Trains Message: 79760 From: Robert Lampe Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: The CTT Thing
Group: S-Trains Message: 79761 From: chuck_7612 Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Hi rail wheels for Flyonel U33c
Group: S-Trains Message: 79762 From: Doug Peck Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: Hi rail wheels for Flyonel U33c
Group: S-Trains Message: 79763 From: snstrains Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: The CTT Thing rebuttal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79764 From: NEIL FERRIS Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: Hi rail wheels for Flyonel U33c
Group: S-Trains Message: 79765 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: The CTT Thing
Group: S-Trains Message: 79766 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: The CTT Thing rebuttal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79767 From: chuck_7612 Date: 10/27/2017
Subject: Re: Hi rail wheels for Flyonel U33c
Group: S-Trains Message: 79768 From: chuck_7612 Date: 10/28/2017
Subject: Re: Hi rail wheels for Flyonel U33c
Group: S-Trains Message: 79770 From: Thomas Kaufman Date: 10/28/2017
Subject: Re: The CTT Thing rebuttal
Group: S-Trains Message: 79771 From: Ray Puls Date: 10/28/2017
Subject: "S" Fest
Group: S-Trains Message: 79772 From: Noplowboy@... Date: 10/28/2017
Subject: Re: All Aboard panels for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79773 From: trainz4brainz Date: 10/28/2017
Subject: Re: All Aboard panels for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79774 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 10/28/2017
Subject: Can't find my Polar express manual on how to raise sound volume. Hel
Group: S-Trains Message: 79775 From: carl4flyer Date: 10/28/2017
Subject: Re: Can't find my Polar express manual on how to raise sound volume.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79776 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 10/28/2017
Subject: Weekend Project - I 50T D&IR Ore Car
Group: S-Trains Message: 79777 From: wcbeverly Date: 10/28/2017
Subject: Slim Gauge Guild Open House 11/5 & 11/7
Group: S-Trains Message: 79778 From: Date: 10/29/2017
Subject: Re: The CTT Thing
Group: S-Trains Message: 79779 From: Date: 10/29/2017
Subject: Re: All Aboard panels for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79780 From: Date: 10/29/2017
Subject: Re: All Aboard panels for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79781 From: Date: 10/29/2017
Subject: Re: Weekend Project - I 50T D&IR Ore Car
Group: S-Trains Message: 79782 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 10/29/2017
Subject: Buckeye Truck
Group: S-Trains Message: 79783 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 10/29/2017
Subject: Buckeye Truck
Group: S-Trains Message: 79784 From: racin510 Date: 10/30/2017
Subject: Re: Can't find my Polar express manual on how to raise sound volume.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79785 From: G C Date: 10/30/2017
Subject: Re: Buckeye Truck
Group: S-Trains Message: 79786 From: poniaj Date: 10/30/2017
Subject: Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79787 From: Robert Graves Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79788 From: Roger Haag Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79789 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: And then, there's this...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79790 From: Tom Hawley Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79791 From: Ray Puls Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: . Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79792 From: poniaj Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: . Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79793 From: Thomas Kaufman Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79794 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: . Does anybody still do this? [3 Attachments]
Group: S-Trains Message: 79795 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79796 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this? -Swapping Trucks
Group: S-Trains Message: 79797 From: snstrains Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79798 From: pickycat95 Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this? -Swapping Trucks
Group: S-Trains Message: 79799 From: poniaj Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79800 From: sgaugian Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: AF GP20 TMCC Conversion
Group: S-Trains Message: 79801 From: chuck_7612 Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: AF GP20 TMCC Conversion
Group: S-Trains Message: 79802 From: chuck_7612 Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this? -Swapping Trucks
Group: S-Trains Message: 79803 From: daleminard Date: 10/31/2017
Subject: Re: And then, there's this...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79804 From: Roger Haag Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Re: . Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79805 From: bassflyer Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: On30 with S-gauge trucks....
Group: S-Trains Message: 79806 From: Alan Smith Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Re: . Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79807 From: first.lurk Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this? -Swapping Trucks
Group: S-Trains Message: 79808 From: alosterud Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Re: . Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79809 From: mike rosz Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this? -Swapping Trucks
Group: S-Trains Message: 79810 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Improvising
Group: S-Trains Message: 79811 From: Tom Hawley Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Re: . Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79812 From: Ben and Lynn Stiles Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Re: Does anybody still do this?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79813 From: George Dines Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Michigan's Largest Train Show, Sunday November 5
Group: S-Trains Message: 79814 From: hhisgauger Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Legacy Command Control Vs MTH DCS
Group: S-Trains Message: 79815 From: sgaugian Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Re: AF GP20 TMCC Conversion
Group: S-Trains Message: 79816 From: snstrains Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Re: Improvising
Group: S-Trains Message: 79817 From: chuck_7612 Date: 11/1/2017
Subject: Re: Legacy Command Control Vs MTH DCS
Group: S-Trains Message: 79818 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 11/2/2017
Subject: Lionel question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79819 From: Paul Krause Date: 11/2/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79820 From: Tom Hawley Date: 11/2/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79821 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 11/2/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79822 From: Paul Krause Date: 11/2/2017
Subject: Re: Hi rail wheels for Flyonel U33c
Group: S-Trains Message: 79823 From: Henry Koshollek Date: 11/3/2017
Subject: Re: "S" Fest
Group: S-Trains Message: 79824 From: henrykoshollek Date: 11/3/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79825 From: race944t Date: 11/3/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79826 From: yorktown26 Date: 11/3/2017
Subject: Finally AF in CTT
Group: S-Trains Message: 79827 From: poniaj Date: 11/4/2017
Subject: Re: Finally AF in CTT
Group: S-Trains Message: 79828 From: allscalerails Date: 11/4/2017
Subject: All Scale Rails Issue #17 November / December 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79829 From: Ray Date: 11/4/2017
Subject: Lionel Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79830 From: David Dewey Date: 11/4/2017
Subject: Finally AF in CTT
Group: S-Trains Message: 79831 From: yorktown26 Date: 11/5/2017
Subject: Re: Finally AF in CTT
Group: S-Trains Message: 79832 From: beebear Date: 11/5/2017
Subject: Re: Michigan's Largest Train Show, Sunday November 5
Group: S-Trains Message: 79833 From: henrykoshollek Date: 11/5/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79834 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 11/5/2017
Subject: Re: 19 B transformer versions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79835 From: tennsgauger Date: 11/6/2017
Subject: Re: Paint Removal Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79836 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 11/6/2017
Subject: Re: 19 B transformer versions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79837 From: snstrains Date: 11/6/2017
Subject: Re: Paint Removal Question
Group: S-Trains Message: 79838 From: snstrains Date: 11/6/2017
Subject: Paint Removal Question reply #2
Group: S-Trains Message: 79839 From: Mike Leahy Date: 11/6/2017
Subject: Gilbert Erector Set #7
Group: S-Trains Message: 79840 From: chuck_7612 Date: 11/6/2017
Subject: Re: Hi rail wheels for Flyonel U33c
Group: S-Trains Message: 79841 From: Paul Schilling Date: 11/6/2017
Subject: Re: Hi rail wheels for Flyonel U33c
Group: S-Trains Message: 79842 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 11/6/2017
Subject: Re: Gilbert Erector Set #7
Group: S-Trains Message: 79843 From: sgaugian Date: 11/7/2017
Subject: AF 302 outfitted with a Dallee #400 electronic reverse unit
Group: S-Trains Message: 79844 From: Gary Chudzinski Date: 11/7/2017
Subject: Re: For sale: AF 6-48036, H-6A, Lt Mikado
Group: S-Trains Message: 79845 From: Gary Chudzinski Date: 11/7/2017
Subject: For sale: AF 6-48036, H-6A, Lt Mikado
Group: S-Trains Message: 79846 From: jaytewilli Date: 11/8/2017
Subject: 24415 Refrigerator Car???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79847 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 11/8/2017
Subject: Re: 24415 Refrigerator Car???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79848 From: Daryl Olszeski Date: 11/8/2017
Subject: Re: 24415 Refrigerator Car???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79849 From: Denny Zee Date: 11/8/2017
Subject: Re: 24415 Refrigerator Car???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79850 From: Date: 11/8/2017
Subject: Re: 24415 Refrigerator Car???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79851 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 11/8/2017
Subject: Re: 24415 Refrigerator Car???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79852 From: snstrains Date: 11/8/2017
Subject: Re: 24415 Refrigerator Car???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79853 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 11/8/2017
Subject: Re: 24415 Refrigerator Car???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79854 From: cmgent_2000 Date: 11/9/2017
Subject: Jake Jacobsen memorial service.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79855 From: damills18055 Date: 11/9/2017
Subject: Re: Gilbert Erector Set #7
Group: S-Trains Message: 79856 From: acgilbertguy Date: 11/9/2017
Subject: Re: 24415 Refrigerator Car???
Group: S-Trains Message: 79857 From: John Degnan Date: 11/9/2017
Subject: Upcoming Show In January
Group: S-Trains Message: 79858 From: northern83113 Date: 11/9/2017
Subject: Re: Gilbert Erector Set #7
Group: S-Trains Message: 79859 From: Eric Date: 11/11/2017
Subject: Rolling Stock - FOR SALE - Passenger and freight
Group: S-Trains Message: 79860 From: Bob Iannacone Date: 11/12/2017
Subject: Check AF Discounts for them Holidays
Group: S-Trains Message: 79861 From: Bob Iannacone Date: 11/12/2017
Subject: Remember Veterans Day
Group: S-Trains Message: 79862 From: Robert Lampe Date: 11/12/2017
Subject: Re: Rolling Stock - FOR SALE - Passenger and freight
Group: S-Trains Message: 79863 From: njma41 Date: 11/13/2017
Subject: a ? on a 21004!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79864 From: Mark Speichert Date: 11/13/2017
Subject: Re: a ? on a 21004!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79865 From: rick gough Date: 11/13/2017
Subject: Re: a ? on a 21004!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79866 From: David Dewey Date: 11/13/2017
Subject: Re: a ? on a 21004!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79867 From: Ingram-James4-YahooGrps-17701 Date: 11/14/2017
Subject: Z-Stuff Detector & NCE Mini-Panel Control 3 DCC Trains w/NO Turnout
Group: S-Trains Message: 79868 From: sgaugian Date: 11/15/2017
Subject: Early vs. Late Production AF diesel motors
Group: S-Trains Message: 79869 From: damills18055 Date: 11/15/2017
Subject: Re: a ? on a 21004!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79870 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 11/15/2017
Subject: Trade back drop pictures
Group: S-Trains Message: 79871 From: snstrains Date: 11/15/2017
Subject: Re: a ? on a 21004!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79872 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 11/16/2017
Subject: Flyer Transformers Wattage rating
Group: S-Trains Message: 79873 From: dphobbies Date: 11/16/2017
Subject: Fox Valley S Gauge Turnouts Available Again
Group: S-Trains Message: 79874 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 11/16/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Transformers Wattage rating
Group: S-Trains Message: 79875 From: Carl & Kathy Rudolph Date: 11/16/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Transformers Wattage rating
Group: S-Trains Message: 79876 From: snstrains Date: 11/16/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Transformers Wattage rating
Group: S-Trains Message: 79877 From: Tom Hawley Date: 11/16/2017
Subject: Fest 2018
Group: S-Trains Message: 79878 From: racin510 Date: 11/16/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Transformers Wattage rating
Group: S-Trains Message: 79879 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 11/17/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Transformers Wattage rating
Group: S-Trains Message: 79880 From: Dale Minard Date: 11/17/2017
Subject: Re: Fest 2018
Group: S-Trains Message: 79881 From: tbbeqayah Date: 11/17/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Transformers Wattage rating
Group: S-Trains Message: 79882 From: richs009 Date: 11/17/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Transformers Wattage rating
Group: S-Trains Message: 79883 From: Dale Smith Date: 11/17/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer Transformers Wattage rating
Group: S-Trains Message: 79884 From: Tom Hawley Date: 11/17/2017
Subject: Re: Fest 2018
Group: S-Trains Message: 79885 From: dphobbies Date: 11/17/2017
Subject: Fox Valley S Scale Turnouts and FlexTrack Available
Group: S-Trains Message: 79886 From: John Keating Date: 11/17/2017
Subject: AF By Lionel S Gauge Diesel Locomotive Offerings
Group: S-Trains Message: 79887 From: dphobbies Date: 11/18/2017
Subject: New ESU CabControl DCC System
Group: S-Trains Message: 79888 From: Malcolm Laughlin Date: 11/20/2017
Subject: Classic Toy Trains back issues available.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79889 From: Date: 11/20/2017
Subject: New Event, Saturday, 25 November 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79890 From: cmgent_2000 Date: 11/21/2017
Subject: Re: New Event, Saturday, 25 November 2017
Group: S-Trains Message: 79891 From: bud9351 Date: 11/22/2017
Subject: AF rerailer track
Group: S-Trains Message: 79892 From: Robert Graves Date: 11/22/2017
Subject: Re: AF rerailer track
Group: S-Trains Message: 79893 From: hudsoncentralrr Date: 11/22/2017
Subject: Re: AF rerailer track
Group: S-Trains Message: 79894 From: Doug Peck Date: 11/22/2017
Subject: Re: AF rerailer track
Group: S-Trains Message: 79895 From: Richard Falzini Date: 11/22/2017
Subject: Re: AF rerailer track
Group: S-Trains Message: 79896 From: Doug Peck Date: 11/22/2017
Subject: PUTT Thomas the Train set
Group: S-Trains Message: 79897 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 11/22/2017
Subject: Lowes has street lights.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79898 From: richs009 Date: 11/23/2017
Subject: Re: AF rerailer track
Group: S-Trains Message: 79899 From: attic02 Date: 11/23/2017
Subject: Re: AF rerailer track
Group: S-Trains Message: 79900 From: snstrains Date: 11/23/2017
Subject: Re: AF rerailer track
Group: S-Trains Message: 79901 From: SnSTrains@... Date: 11/23/2017
Subject: Thanksgiving
Group: S-Trains Message: 79902 From: Alan Smith Date: 11/23/2017
Subject: Re: Thanksgiving
Group: S-Trains Message: 79903 From: bud9351 Date: 11/24/2017
Subject: AF rerailer again
Group: S-Trains Message: 79904 From: richs009 Date: 11/24/2017
Subject: Modern circuit protection
Group: S-Trains Message: 79905 From: Doug Peck Date: 11/24/2017
Subject: Re: Modern circuit protection
Group: S-Trains Message: 79906 From: chuck_7612 Date: 11/24/2017
Subject: Re: Modern circuit protection
Group: S-Trains Message: 79907 From: S-Scale Date: 11/25/2017
Subject: Outdoor (garden) RR in S
Group: S-Trains Message: 79908 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 11/25/2017
Subject: Chicago Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79909 From: John Degnan Date: 11/25/2017
Subject: Question For MTH (Ex-SHS) EMD F-3 Owners
Group: S-Trains Message: 79910 From: Lanier Date: 11/25/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor (garden) RR in S
Group: S-Trains Message: 79911 From: sgaugian Date: 11/25/2017
Subject: Re: Modern circuit protection
Group: S-Trains Message: 79912 From: Edward Davis Date: 11/26/2017
Subject: Re: Chicago Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79913 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 11/26/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor Garden RR in S
Group: S-Trains Message: 79914 From: racin510 Date: 11/26/2017
Subject: Re: Modern circuit protection
Group: S-Trains Message: 79915 From: rick gough Date: 11/26/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor (garden) RR in S
Group: S-Trains Message: 79916 From: Bob Groh Date: 11/26/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor (garden) RR in S
Group: S-Trains Message: 79917 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 11/26/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor (garden) RR in S
Group: S-Trains Message: 79918 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 11/26/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor Garden RR in S
Group: S-Trains Message: 79919 From: Date: 11/26/2017
Subject: December/January 2018 The S Scale Resource Magazine is Ready
Group: S-Trains Message: 79920 From: sgaugian Date: 11/27/2017
Subject: AF engine inspection and testing, plus a completely rewired SF 360 A
Group: S-Trains Message: 79921 From: Charlie Date: 11/27/2017
Subject: Re: Chicago Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79922 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Chicago Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79923 From: Edward Davis Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Chicago Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79924 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Do they sell Hi Rail wheels for the DCC scale engines?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79925 From: sarge9444 Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Pepsi Cola billboard
Group: S-Trains Message: 79926 From: fredlubb Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor Garden RR in S
Group: S-Trains Message: 79927 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Do they sell Hi Rail wheels for the DCC scale engines?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79928 From: pickycat95 Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Do they sell Hi Rail wheels for the DCC scale engines?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79929 From: Charlie Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Chicago Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79930 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Do they sell Hi Rail wheels for the DCC scale engines?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79931 From: snstrains Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor Garden RR in S
Group: S-Trains Message: 79932 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor Garden Railway
Group: S-Trains Message: 79933 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Chicago Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79934 From: chuck_7612 Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Do they sell Hi Rail wheels for the DCC scale engines?
Group: S-Trains Message: 79935 From: Dale Smith Date: 11/28/2017
Subject: Re: Chicago Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79936 From: fredlubb Date: 11/29/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor Garden Railway
Group: S-Trains Message: 79937 From: herbw202 Date: 11/29/2017
Subject: Re: Chicago Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79938 From: herbw202 Date: 11/29/2017
Subject: Re: Chicago Flyer
Group: S-Trains Message: 79939 From: Chris Harding Date: 11/30/2017
Subject: S scale history
Group: S-Trains Message: 79940 From: fredlubb Date: 11/30/2017
Subject: Re: S scale history
Group: S-Trains Message: 79941 From: Gerry Evans Date: 11/30/2017
Subject: SD-60s For Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79942 From: Gerry Evans Date: 11/30/2017
Subject: SD-60s...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79943 From: Gerry Evans Date: 11/30/2017
Subject: E-8s For Sale...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79944 From: Peter Vanvliet Date: 12/1/2017
Subject: S-Helper Service F7 Operator's Manual Available
Group: S-Trains Message: 79945 From: garydmccullah Date: 12/1/2017
Subject: Flyer GP-7 repower
Group: S-Trains Message: 79946 From: Thomas Kaufman Date: 12/2/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer GP-7 repower
Group: S-Trains Message: 79947 From: Alan Smith Date: 12/2/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer GP-7 repower
Group: S-Trains Message: 79948 From: snstrains Date: 12/2/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer GP-7 repower
Group: S-Trains Message: 79949 From: Ray Puls Date: 12/2/2017
Subject: Flyer GP-7 repower
Group: S-Trains Message: 79950 From: Bob Iannacone Date: 12/2/2017
Subject: AF Defender Freight Set - 49624
Group: S-Trains Message: 79951 From: garydmccullah Date: 12/2/2017
Subject: Re: Flyer GP-7 repower
Group: S-Trains Message: 79952 From: acgilbertguy Date: 12/3/2017
Subject: AF F-9 Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79953 From: John Degnan Date: 12/3/2017
Subject: WANTED : SHS / MTH F-Unit Detail Parts
Group: S-Trains Message: 79954 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/3/2017
Subject: Re: AF F-9 Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79955 From: Robert Graves Date: 12/3/2017
Subject: Locomotive lacks pulling power
Group: S-Trains Message: 79956 From: americanflyer Date: 12/3/2017
Subject: Re: AF F-9 Questions
Group: S-Trains Message: 79957 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/3/2017
Subject: Re: Locomotive lacks pulling power
Group: S-Trains Message: 79958 From: Edward Davis Date: 12/3/2017
Subject: Re: Locomotive lacks pulling power
Group: S-Trains Message: 79959 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 12/3/2017
Subject: I am trying to identify some trucks
Group: S-Trains Message: 79960 From: Eric Date: 12/4/2017
Subject: S Helper Rolling Stock for sale.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79961 From: Tom Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: Re: S Helper Rolling Stock for sale - one more car
Group: S-Trains Message: 79962 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: Scale Conversion
Group: S-Trains Message: 79963 From: Eric Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: Re: S Helper Rolling Stock for sale.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79964 From: sgaugian Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: AF 355 mystery motors
Group: S-Trains Message: 79965 From: americanflyer Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: Re: AF 355 mystery motors
Group: S-Trains Message: 79966 From: Bob Groh Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: Re: Locomotive lacks pulling power
Group: S-Trains Message: 79967 From: Eric Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: Re: {S-Scale List} Re: More SHS trains for Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79968 From: Eric Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: Re: More SHS trains for Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79969 From: Eric Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: More SHS trains for Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79970 From: richs009 Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: Re: Scale Conversion
Group: S-Trains Message: 79971 From: Eric Date: 12/6/2017
Subject: Re: {S-Scale List} Re: More SHS trains for Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79972 From: Gerry Evans Date: 12/6/2017
Subject: 44 Tonner Kit For Sale...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79973 From: Gerry Evans Date: 12/6/2017
Subject: SMMW 44 tonner...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79974 From: SnSTrains@... Date: 12/7/2017
Subject: Christmas Boxcars
Group: S-Trains Message: 79975 From: sgaugian Date: 12/8/2017
Subject: Rewiring AF Polar Express cars to improve illumination
Group: S-Trains Message: 79976 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 12/9/2017
Subject: Need to replave 6 3 volt wall power units with 1 large unit.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79977 From: ken garber Date: 12/10/2017
Subject: Re: Digest Number 7550
Group: S-Trains Message: 79978 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 12/11/2017
Subject: Here is what I am doing with a Bachmann 0N3. I have built the Court
Group: S-Trains Message: 79979 From: dphobbies Date: 12/12/2017
Subject: AF Polar Express
Group: S-Trains Message: 79980 From: c100495 Date: 12/12/2017
Subject: Re: Need to replave 6 3 volt wall power units with 1 large unit.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79981 From: Edward Davis Date: 12/12/2017
Subject: Custom painted AF freight cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 79982 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/12/2017
Subject: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79983 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 12/12/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79984 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/12/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79985 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 12/12/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79986 From: John Degnan Date: 12/12/2017
Subject: VERY Interesting NEW 1:64 Items!!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 79987 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/12/2017
Subject: Beware Bubble Wrap !
Group: S-Trains Message: 79988 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/12/2017
Subject: Re: Bubble-wrap
Group: S-Trains Message: 79989 From: c100495 Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: AF Polar Express
Group: S-Trains Message: 79990 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: Bubble-wrap
Group: S-Trains Message: 79991 From: sgaugian Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Merry 1955 Christmas -- featuring revived AF set #5580-H
Group: S-Trains Message: 79992 From: americanflyer Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 79993 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: AF Polar Express
Group: S-Trains Message: 79994 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: Bubble-wrap
Group: S-Trains Message: 79995 From: Gerry Evans Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Fairbanks-Morse Kit For Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 79996 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: Bubble-wrap
Group: S-Trains Message: 79997 From: snstrains Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: Merry 1955 Christmas -- featuring revived AF set #5580-H
Group: S-Trains Message: 79998 From: Gerry Evans Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: FM H10-44...
Group: S-Trains Message: 79999 From: Tom Hawley Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Packing stuff
Group: S-Trains Message: 80000 From: John Keating Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: Custom painted AF freight cars
Group: S-Trains Message: 80001 From: poniaj Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: X1989 Tool Car
Group: S-Trains Message: 80002 From: racin510 Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: Packing stuff
Group: S-Trains Message: 80003 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: X1989 Tool Car
Group: S-Trains Message: 80004 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/13/2017
Subject: Re: Packing stuff
Group: S-Trains Message: 80005 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/14/2017
Subject: Re: Packing stuff
Group: S-Trains Message: 80006 From: snstrains Date: 12/14/2017
Subject: Re: Packing stuff
Group: S-Trains Message: 80007 From: Gerald Feldman Date: 12/14/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80008 From: Alan Smith Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80009 From: Bruce R DeGailler Sr Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80010 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: Flange Depth of Wheels
Group: S-Trains Message: 80011 From: sgaugian Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: Re: Packing stuff
Group: S-Trains Message: 80012 From: Donald Keil Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80013 From: afjeff_56 Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: Polar Express S Gauge Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 80014 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: My year around Christmas layout with rotery lights to look like it i
Group: S-Trains Message: 80015 From: frank emiro Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: Re: Polar Express S Gauge Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 80016 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: Re: Polar Express S Gauge Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 80017 From: Dale Smith Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: Re: Polar Express S Gauge Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 80018 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/15/2017
Subject: Re: Polar Express S Gauge Set?
Group: S-Trains Message: 80019 From: Gerry Evans Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: Fairbanks-Morse...
Group: S-Trains Message: 80020 From: afjeff_56 Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: Re: My year around Christmas layout with rotery lights to look like
Group: S-Trains Message: 80021 From: Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: polar express
Group: S-Trains Message: 80022 From: Bill Lane Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: Lionel electronics for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 80023 From: Richard Falzini Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: Video tape
Group: S-Trains Message: 80024 From: richs009 Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: U33c question
Group: S-Trains Message: 80025 From: George Cohn Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80026 From: pickycat95 Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: Re: Lionel electronics for sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 80027 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80028 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/16/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80029 From: John Keating Date: 12/17/2017
Subject: Wanted Flyonel CN GP-7
Group: S-Trains Message: 80030 From: afjeff_56 Date: 12/17/2017
Subject: Re: polar express
Group: S-Trains Message: 80031 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 12/17/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80032 From: Date: 12/18/2017
Subject: Re: polar express
Group: S-Trains Message: 80033 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 12/18/2017
Subject: No way I would run MTH DCS
Group: S-Trains Message: 80034 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 12/18/2017
Subject: A nice Santa bring a train set
Group: S-Trains Message: 80035 From: damills18055 Date: 12/18/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80036 From: acgilbertguy Date: 12/18/2017
Subject: Another AF F-9 Gear Question.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80037 From: Al Date: 12/18/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80038 From: Stanley Sobieski Date: 12/18/2017
Subject: Re: Another AF F-9 Gear Question.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80039 From: Ben and Lynn Stiles Date: 12/18/2017
Subject: Champ Decal Set (Great Northern)
Group: S-Trains Message: 80040 From: stephen.terni Date: 12/19/2017
Subject: Capacitor Discharge System for AF Switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 80041 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 12/19/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80042 From: Date: 12/19/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80043 From: n6ojj Date: 12/19/2017
Subject: Re: Capacitor Discharge System for AF Switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 80044 From: railandsail Date: 12/19/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80045 From: Mike Leahy Date: 12/20/2017
Subject: Gilbert Erector Set
Group: S-Trains Message: 80046 From: Wayne Zebron Date: 12/20/2017
Subject: Re: Capacitor Discharge System for AF Switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 80047 From: bud9351 Date: 12/20/2017
Subject: Plastic AF coal loads for two bay hoppers
Group: S-Trains Message: 80048 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 12/20/2017
Subject: Re: Plastic AF coal loads for two bay hoppers
Group: S-Trains Message: 80049 From: Ray Puls Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Capacitor Discharge System for AF Switches
Group: S-Trains Message: 80050 From: jeepnikdale Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Trouble with Lionel Legacy AF 2-8-8-2 and CAB-2
Group: S-Trains Message: 80051 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80052 From: carl4flyer Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Trouble with Lionel Legacy AF 2-8-8-2 and CAB-2
Group: S-Trains Message: 80053 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Trouble with Lionel Legacy AF 2-8-8-2 and CAB-2
Group: S-Trains Message: 80054 From: Bruce R. DeGailler Sr. Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Storage Boxes for Long Flyer engines.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80055 From: chuck_7612 Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Trouble with Lionel Legacy AF 2-8-8-2 and CAB-2
Group: S-Trains Message: 80056 From: Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Power to MTH S-Trax
Group: S-Trains Message: 80057 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Power to MTH S-Trax
Group: S-Trains Message: 80058 From: Alan Lambert Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Power to MTH S-Trax
Group: S-Trains Message: 80059 From: Sam & Peggy Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Plastic AF coal loads for two bay hoppers
Group: S-Trains Message: 80060 From: Stanley Sobieski Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Plastic AF coal loads for two bay hoppers
Group: S-Trains Message: 80061 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Plastic AF coal loads for two bay hoppers
Group: S-Trains Message: 80062 From: Edward Davis Date: 12/21/2017
Subject: Re: Plastic AF coal loads for two bay hoppers
Group: S-Trains Message: 80063 From: JAMES SLEETH Date: 12/22/2017
Subject: Re: Trouble with Lionel Legacy AF 2-8-8-2 and CAB-2
Group: S-Trains Message: 80064 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 12/22/2017
Subject: Re: Power to MTH S-Trax
Group: S-Trains Message: 80065 From: hugoroundhouse Date: 12/22/2017
Subject: Re: Power to MTH S-Trax
Group: S-Trains Message: 80066 From: Alan Smith Date: 12/22/2017
Subject: Re: Plastic AF coal loads for two bay hoppers
Group: S-Trains Message: 80067 From: preardon4 Date: 12/22/2017
Subject: SHS Axles
Group: S-Trains Message: 80068 From: hugoroundhouse Date: 12/22/2017
Subject: Re: Power to MTH S-Trax
Group: S-Trains Message: 80069 From: Bob Iannacone Date: 12/22/2017
Subject: Re: SHS Axles
Group: S-Trains Message: 80070 From: Thomas Kaufman Date: 12/23/2017
Subject: Re: Plastic AF coal loads for two bay hoppers
Group: S-Trains Message: 80071 From: Robert Graves Date: 12/24/2017
Subject: May all of your holidays be happy
Group: S-Trains Message: 80072 From: trainz4brainz Date: 12/24/2017
Subject: Re: May all of your holidays be happy
Group: S-Trains Message: 80073 From: SnSTrains@... Date: 12/24/2017
Subject: Merry Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 80074 From: David Dewey Date: 12/24/2017
Subject: Merry Christmas!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 80075 From: Frank Emiro Date: 12/24/2017
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 80076 From: Date: 12/24/2017
Subject: Re: [S-Trains] Merry Christmas!!
Group: S-Trains Message: 80077 From: Edward Davis Date: 12/24/2017
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 80078 From: Ray Puls Date: 12/25/2017
Subject: Merry Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 80079 From: Alan Smith Date: 12/25/2017
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 80080 From: Stanley Sobieski Date: 12/25/2017
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 80081 From: richs009 Date: 12/26/2017
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 80082 From: Ken Christiansen Date: 12/28/2017
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
Group: S-Trains Message: 80083 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/28/2017
Subject: Outdoor running.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80084 From: Bob Moyer Date: 12/28/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor running.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80085 From: Gerry Evans Date: 12/28/2017
Subject: E-8 Price Reduction...
Group: S-Trains Message: 80086 From: Gerry Evans Date: 12/28/2017
Subject: E-8 Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 80087 From: Gerry Evans Date: 12/28/2017
Subject: 70-Tonner For Sale
Group: S-Trains Message: 80088 From: fredlubb Date: 12/28/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor running.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80089 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/28/2017
Subject: Re: Outdoor running.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80090 From: Date: 12/29/2017
Subject: Year End Sale - Buy 2 loads and get the third one FREE
Group: S-Trains Message: 80091 From: angelfj Date: 12/30/2017
Subject: Re: E-8 Price Reduction...
Group: S-Trains Message: 80092 From: angelfj Date: 12/30/2017
Subject: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80093 From: snstrains Date: 12/30/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80094 From: Rance Velapoldi Date: 12/30/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80095 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/30/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80096 From: richs009 Date: 12/30/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80097 From: Date: 12/30/2017
Subject: Re: Year End Sale - Buy 2 loads and get the third one FREE
Group: S-Trains Message: 80098 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 12/30/2017
Subject: Re: Hello from a 70 yr old American Flyer...
Group: S-Trains Message: 80099 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 12/30/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80100 From: Edward Davis Date: 12/30/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80101 From: rick gough Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80102 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80103 From: angelfj Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80104 From: Edward Davis Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80105 From: angelfj Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Traction Tires - a few questions please.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80106 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80107 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: A Modified Flyer Adventure
Group: S-Trains Message: 80108 From: snstrains Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re; Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80109 From: Edward Davis Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Traction Tires - a few questions please.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80110 From: angelfj Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: A Modified Flyer Adventure
Group: S-Trains Message: 80111 From: angelfj Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Hello - From a 70 Yr. Old American Flyer Fan
Group: S-Trains Message: 80112 From: Chrisandmhel Burger Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Traction Tires - a few questions please.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80113 From: Doug Peck Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Traction Tires - a few questions please.
Group: S-Trains Message: 80114 From: John Keating Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Best Wishes and Another Search
Group: S-Trains Message: 80115 From: Edward Davis Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Best Wishes and Another Search
Group: S-Trains Message: 80116 From: Ken Christiansen Date: 12/31/2017
Subject: Re: Traction Tires - a few questions please.

Group: S-Trains Message: 78714 From: George Guzewicz Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: New Project for 2017

I would like to hear again from the person who was "recreating" their folks RV park in "S".

Please contact me at flguz@...

Sent from Outlook

Group: S-Trains Message: 78715 From: attic02 Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: Turntables for S Scale?
I was reading a back issue of Toy Train magazine from the early.1950's and they showed converting an HO turntable into an S gauge.  They made it work
 Food for thought
  Ron Petersen

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: "wema10389@... [S-Trains]"
Date:12/31/2016 4:18 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [S-Trains] Turntables for S Scale?


Hi All,

I am a bit new at S scale and was wondering where the best place to find a S scale turntable?

I saw a few online but the prices were crazy high.

any ideas welcome including kits or how to build your own.

Thanks and happy new year!

Group: S-Trains Message: 78716 From: Alan Smith Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: 934 floodlight car repair

I have taken the socket out of the  search light housing. The wire had come off the socket/bulb holder.  The reflector is held in place with two swaged spots in the light housing. Carefully work them out with a Dremel to release reflector.  To reattach the reflector I drilled a  blind hole in the each area of the swaged nubs  and used two very small screws to anchor the reflector back in the light housing. 
U must to be very careful to NOT break out the back of the housing when drilling for the screws. The screw heads are visible but still it’s a way to save an inoperable light.

 Hamilton, Alan 

On Dec 31, 2016, at 7:50 PM, Tom detmer@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:


I’ve had some puzzling situations with a non-working light such as yours and a friend tipped me off to the trick of soldering a dot of solder on the base of the bulb to make good contact at the bottom of the socket.  Some new bulbs are not long enough to touch the base of the socket and need a solder “extension” to make contact.  This may not solve all problems but it is always worth a try with a non-functioning socket with a new bulb.

Tom Detmer

On Dec 31, 2016, at 6:25 PM, The Upstairs Train theupstairstrain@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:

I have conductivity from one wheel to the threaded part of the socket, and from the other wheel to the wire underneath the platform, but no conductivity from that wire to the base of the socket. My problem must be at the base of the socket inside the light housing.

Is it possible to remove the socket from the light housing to repair the wire connection? If so, how do you do it? I haven't been able to figure anything out.

Bob Graves

Group: S-Trains Message: 78717 From: Don Abrams Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: Re: 934 floodlight car repair
Since you have to take it apart -- use 2 wires while you're at it. The second wire bypasses the mechanical connection from the socket to the housing to the yoke screws to the yoke to the chassis to the other truck. Just solder the wire from the rear of the bulb bracket and then solder the other end to the rivet of the other truck. This eliminates the annoying flicker, but puts function over originality. The factory should have done it that way. Use fine gauge superflex wire.

Group: S-Trains Message: 78718 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: For sale: tank car for crash site
If anyone out there has, or wants to build, a crash site, I have a black 625 Shell tank with somewhat rusty ladders and handrails and a hole in the tank for you. No chassis or tracks. Price: whatever it's worth to you plus actual shipping. Make offer.

I just don't like throwing trains in the trash.

Bob Graves
Group: S-Trains Message: 78719 From: Date: 1/1/2017
Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 01 January 2017
Attachments :
    "SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT" reminder
    Sunday, 01 January 2017
    05:00 PM to 11:30 PM
    (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, 5/27/2012, 8:00 pm Reminder from: S-Trains Yahoo! Group Title: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT Date: Sunday May 27, 2012 Time: 8:00 pm - 12:00 am Repeats: This event repeats every week. Location: Notes: Sunday night online chat. Everyone welcome. Time: 8 PM **Web Address: **
    S-Trains   Calendar
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78720 From: snstrains Date: 1/1/2017
    Subject: Happy New Year
    Best wishes to all of you for 2017
    Steve Blackburn
    S-'n'S Trains
    Boise, Idaho
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78721 From: degreen60 Date: 1/1/2017
    Subject: Re: 934 floodlight car repair
    Instead of putting a dot of solder on the base of the bulb I cut a very small piece(no larger than the dia of the wire) of number 12 or 14 solid copper wire(house wiring) and drop into the socket then screw the bulb in
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78722 From: degreen60 Date: 1/1/2017
    Subject: Re: For sale: tank car for crash site
    I need a black doom cover. If the car has the doom cover I would like to have it. Please email me degreen60@...
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78723 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/1/2017
    Subject: Re: For sale: tank car for crash site

    A doom cover would be perfect for a crash site


    From: []
    Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2017 5:34 PM
    Subject: [S-Trains] Re: For sale: tank car for crash site



    I need a black doom cover. If the car has the doom cover I would like to have it. Please email me degreen60@...

    Group: S-Trains Message: 78724 From: The Laniers Date: 1/1/2017
    Subject: Re: For sale: tank car for crash site
    I give up; what is a doom cover?
    Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2017 7:42 PM
    Subject: RE: [S-Trains] Re: For sale: tank car for crash site

    A doom cover would be perfect for a crash site

    From: []
    Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2017 5:34 PM
    Subject: [S-Trains] Re: For sale: tank car for crash site


    I need a black doom cover. If the car has the doom cover I would like to have it. Please email me degreen60@...

    Group: S-Trains Message: 78725 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/1/2017
    Subject: Re: For sale: tank car for crash site

    Doom as in catastrophe – it was a typo dome (I am assuming) instead of doom.  I thought doom would be appropriate for a crash site


    From: []
    Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2017 9:00 PM
    Subject: Re: [S-Trains] Re: For sale: tank car for crash site



    I give up; what is a doom cover?


    Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2017 7:42 PM

    Subject: RE: [S-Trains] Re: For sale: tank car for crash site



    A doom cover would be perfect for a crash site

    From: []
    Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2017 5:34 PM
    Subject: [S-Trains] Re: For sale: tank car for crash site


    I need a black doom cover. If the car has the doom cover I would like to have it. Please email me degreen60@...

    Group: S-Trains Message: 78726 From: rick flaherty Date: 1/1/2017
    Subject: Re: Happy New Year
    Bets to all of you, too.


    Reply-To: <>
    Date: Sunday, January 1, 2017 at 11:32 AM
    To: <>
    Subject: [S-Trains] Happy New Year


    Best wishes to all of you for 2017
    Steve Blackburn
    S-'n'S Trains
    Boise, Idaho

    Group: S-Trains Message: 78727 From: richs009 Date: 1/1/2017
    Subject: Re: Help with AF 19B Transformer
    There have been two "definitive" - yet contradictory statements about how the deadman control works, i.e., does the carbon roller stay in contact with the secondary winding of the transformer even when the control lever is "up" (released).  I happened to have handy a 15B transformer, which should act as a good surrogate for all of the deadman control transformers (15B, 16B, 17B, 18B (dual), 19B and 30B (dual) - based on the parts and wiring diagrams in the K-line service manual. 

    The short answer is that you are right regarding the answer to your second question.  The longer answer is below.

    So, pulling the case off the transformer, one sees that indeed the Contact Arm and roller (item #26 in the parts diagram and list) is lifted off the secondary windings (raised up about about a quarter of an inch, or so).  Its clear that when the case is assembled the deadman control level pushes down on this arm - via the Contact Arm and Stud Assembly (item #20) - when the deadman control level is pushed down.  Likewise, when it is up (release), it releases the downward pressure on the control arm/roller, which is a piece of spring copper and that arm then springs up away from the transformer winding and the roller looses contact.

    The 'definitive' clue about how this works is the fact that the wire that supplies the 6-15 volts runs directly from that contact arm/roller assembly (item #26) to the 6-15 volt binding post (via the ammeter, in the case of the 19B).  There are NO other wires running to the turret or in any other location that would indicate some other 'switch' that is connected to the deadman lever.

    So if your contact arm/roller assembly is in contact with the transformer winding when the case is off, I suggest bending up that arm (carefully) so the roller is off the transformer winding.  Before reassembling the case, I'd push down on that arm several times just to make sure it springs back up when the pressure is released.  One other assembly note, you will see that the Contact Arm and Stud assembly (item #20) has two downward facing tabs where that assembly contacts the contact arm/roller assembly (#26).  Make sure that you line up the #20 assembly so those two tabs will come down on either side of the contact arm (#26) when the case is put back on.

    Hope this helps

    - Rich
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78728 From: rudypenne Date: 1/2/2017
    Subject: Re: Help with AF 19B Transformer
    In reply to this, before you bend anything. Think about this; The deadman control is "the missing"switch Rich talks about. When the handle is down there is power to the binding post, Which keeps your forward & reverse locked in place. The reason being the deadman control is really there for forward & reverse.The two handled transformers have no forward or reverse switches.
     This is easy to check with a volt meter. There should always be voltage to the track as long as the deadman is down.Lift it & there is no voltage to the track.
         Mike in Ore
    In a message dated 1/1/2017 10:55:20 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

    There have been two "definitive" - yet contradictory statements about how the deadman control works, i.e., does the carbon roller stay in contact with the secondary winding of the transformer even when the control lever is "up" (released).  I happened to have handy a 15B transformer, which should act as a good surrogate for all of the deadman control transformers (15B, 16B, 17B, 18B (dual), 19B and 30B (dual) - based on the parts and wiring diagrams in the K-line service manual. 

    The short answer is that you are right regarding the answer to your second question.  The longer answer is below.

    So, pulling the case off the transformer, one sees that indeed the Contact Arm and roller (item #26 in the parts diagram and list) is lifted off the secondary windings (raised up about about a quarter of an inch, or so).  Its clear that when the case is assembled the deadman control level pushes down on this arm - via the Con tact Arm and Stud Assembly (item #20) - when the deadman control level is pushed down.  Likewise, when it is up (release), it releases the downward pressure on the control arm/roller, which is a piece of spring copper and that arm then springs up away from the transformer winding and the roller looses contact.

    The 'definitive' clue about how this works is the fact that the wire that supplies the 6-15 volts runs directly from that contact arm/roller assembly (item #26) to the 6-15 volt binding post (via the ammeter, in the case of the 19B).  There are NO other wires running to the turret or in any other location that would indicate some other 'switch' that is connected to the deadman lever.

    So if your contact arm/roller assembly is in contact with the transformer winding when the case is off, I suggest bending up that arm (carefully) so the roller is off the transformer winding.  Before reassembling the case, I'd push down on t hat arm several times just to make sure it springs back up when the pressure is released.  One other assembly note, you will see that the Contact Arm and Stud assembly (item #20) has two downward facing tabs where that assembly contacts the contact arm/roller assembly (#26).  Make sure that you line up the #20 assembly so those two tabs will come down on either side of the contact arm (#26) when the case is put back on.

    Hope this helps

    - Rich

    Group: S-Trains Message: 78729 From: degreen60 Date: 1/2/2017
    Subject: Re: Help with AF 19B Transformer
    Here is the parts manual with a wiring diagram. There are no switches to the track. Lifting the handle allows the carbon roller to lift off the winding which open the circuit to the track.

    The switch number 36 is a power switch and shuts off the transformer. 

    If the carbon roller touches all the time the handle will not shut off voltage to the track as it should when raised.

    Group: S-Trains Message: 78730 From: The Upstairs Train Date: 1/2/2017
    Subject: Re: 934 floodlight car repair
    Thanks to all who offered suggestions. As usual, the group really came through! Really good input.

    All I had been able to come up with on my own is Doug's suggestion, but I was afraid hit it hard enough to remove it, just in case that was not the right thing to do.

    On Jan 1, 2017, at 7:32 AM, Don Abrams donabrams@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:


    Since you have to take it apart -- use 2 wires while you're at it. The second wire bypasses the mechanical connection from the socket to the housing to the yoke screws to the yoke to the chassis to the other truck. Just solder the wire from the rear of the bulb bracket and then solder the other end to the rivet of the other truck. This eliminates the annoying flicker, but puts function over originality. The factory should have done it that way. Use fine gauge superflex wire.


    Group: S-Trains Message: 78731 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/2/2017
    Subject: Re: Can we End this insanity? Was: Help with AF 19B Transformer [2 A
    Lifting the handle does not lift the carbon roller, it merely opens the circuit.  Note a wiring diagram does
    not necessarily show mechanical functions like levers etc...

    The handle is a knife switch, simple illustration and link below

    Frey Scientific Single-Pole Double-Throw Electrical Knife Switch

    Raise the lever and the switch is opened and no power flows.

    The roller rotates as the handle is rotated, but there IS ZERO VERTICAL movement unless the case is broken.

    Kenneth R. Clark
    P.O. Box 212454
    Chula Vista, CA 91921

    -----Original Message-----
    From: degreen60@... [S-Trains] <>
    To: S-Trains <>
    Sent: Mon, Jan 2, 2017 10:50 am
    Subject: Re: [S-Trains] Re: Help with AF 19B Transformer [2 Attachments]

    Here is the parts manual with a wiring diagram. There are no switches to the track. Lifting the handle allows the carbon roller to lift off the winding which open the circuit to the track.

    The switch number 36 is a power switch and shuts off the transformer. 

    If the carbon roller touches all the time the handle will not shut off voltage to the track as it should when raised.

    Group: S-Trains Message: 78732 From: rudypenne Date: 1/2/2017
    Subject: Re: Can we End this insanity? Was: Help with AF 19B Transformer
    As was my point...Mike
    In a message dated 1/2/2017 12:53:16 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

    Lifting the handle does not lift the carbon roller, it merely opens the circuit.  Note a wiring diagram does
    not necessarily show mechanical functions like levers etc...

    The handle is a knife switch, simple illustration and link below

    Frey Scientific Single-Pole Double-Throw Electrical Knife Switch

    Raise the lever and the switch is opened and no power flows.

    The roller rotates as the handle is rotated, but there IS ZERO VERTICAL movement unless the case is broken.

    Kenneth R. Clark
    P.O. Box 212454
    Chula Vista, CA 91921

    -----Original Message-----
    From: degreen60@... [S-Trains] <>
    To: S-Trains <>
    Sent: Mon, Jan 2, 2017 10:50 am
    Subject: Re: [S-Trains] Re: Help with AF 19B Transformer [2 Attachments]

    Here is the parts manual with a wiring diagram. There are no switches to the track. Lifting the handle allows the carbon roller to lift off the winding which open the circuit to the track.

    The switch number 36 is a power switch and shuts off the transformer. 

    If the carbon roller touches all the time the handle will not shut off voltage to the track as it should when raised.

    Group: S-Trains Message: 78733 From: wema103 Date: 1/2/2017
    Subject: Re: Turntables for S Scale?
    Thanks All!

    Very helpful answers! :)
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78734 From: David Dewey Date: 1/2/2017
    Subject: Happy New Years & Tank car "dooms"
    Yes, Happy New Years all!
    So, if your tank cars have “dooms” instead of “domes” Does this make a string of tank cars a mortuary train? (Doom-doom-da-doom. . . .)
    OK, I’ll go back to fixing trains now. . . . .
    Run ‘em if ya got ‘em!
    David D.
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78735 From: damills18055 Date: 1/2/2017
    Subject: Re: 934 floodlight car repair
    I also have a floodlight repair to do and am sure it is the wire that goes to the bottom of the socket inside the housing. So I feel the same need to remove the socket that is swaged in place. Unfortunately, mine is the less common and more expensive chrome version with the die-cast generator. When I attempt to remove this, it must be very carefully. So if a Dremel is used, which bit is used and how? Once removed and repaired, how do I reattach the socket back in the housing?
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78736 From: henry_betz Date: 1/2/2017
    Subject: Hanks S Gauge Trains

    I have put together a homage layout to my home town, Willow Grove, PA. Pictures are posted under Hanks S layout.

    It tells of growing up on a nursery/farm/greenhouse environment just outside of town and many important items are on the dining room table layout. My house, my cousin's house, the rental house, the barn, the greenhouse, the tree lot, the train station remarkably similar to Mystic station, Reading Railroad commuter cars (should be electrified in the 50's) Davisville Rd. connecting the farm to town. The Willow Grove Amusement Park. The 55 bus line - ended at train station. (Wish the rt. 6 trolley line fit on the table.The line terminated at WG Park. I have a Corgi PTC and motor designated Rt. 6 Willow Grove.) 

    I hope you enjoy my nostalgia trip.

    Best, Happy New Year,

    Hank Betz

    Group: S-Trains Message: 78737 From: zemouse2001 Date: 1/3/2017
    Subject: Re: Hanks S Gauge Trains
    Hank, I loved it.  Heck, even my wife liked it!  Double heck - she might even let me do something similar!

    Bob Groh
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78738 From: Nick Colleran Date: 1/3/2017
    Subject: Re: Can we End this insanity? Was: Help with AF 19B Transformer [2 A
    I have repaired several 19B transformers and other "Deadman" types. I have never seen one that operates as a simple knife switch. It is correct that the parts diagrams do not show everything, including the mechanical and electrical variations over the years. In earlier versions the roller arm is mounted to the coil assembly; later, to the turret arm. However, in all that I have seen the roller rises from the secondary winding when the handle is lifted. This can we verified by pushing the center metal piece in the turret with the handle removed. - Nick Colleran

    Sent from my iPad
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78739 From: degreen60 Date: 1/3/2017
    Subject: Re: Can we End this insanity? Was: Help with AF 19B Transformer [2 A
    I was the American Flyer train repairman for the Lionel-American Flyer distributor in my area. You are 100% correct. If you have the version with the roller arm mounted to the coil assembly you can take the top cover off and run a train by pushing the lever down making roller contact touch the winding.
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78740 From: David Dewey Date: 1/3/2017
    Subject: Dead Man Handle--how it works!! PS
    I forgot to mention, the handle itself is NOT a knife switch—there is no electrical connection between the handle and the post it pushes down, although the post is “live”—so yes, one could possibly get a shock by touching the handle in the down position and the base post. In the up position, the roller is not making any electrical connection, so the post is dead then. Probably it wouldn’t be allowed to be done that way nowadays. although adding a non-conductive surface for the handle to push on would electrically isolate the handle. Interesting that this detail passed the UL inspection.
    David D.
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78741 From: David Dewey Date: 1/3/2017
    Subject: Dead Man Handle--how it works!!
    OK folks, I’ve been doing these repairs since my high school days, including replacing carbon rollers on transformers.
    1) There are NO switches on the deadman controller transformers that turn off the track current.  I’m not talking about the very late 5-digit transformers with the all-plastic handles and the red toggle switches above the handles, only the turret Deadman type transformers.
    2) The variable portion of the transformer output—the surface the roller rides on has NO dead spots to interrupt the circuit—unless something has damaged the transformer core.
    3) Lifting the deadman handle allows the spring loaded carbon roller mechanism to lift free of the variable coil, thus breaking the circuit—no matter where the handle is (ie: at any voltage going to the track).
    4)Properly adjusted, the roller should contact the core just as the handle reaches the hold-down clip—so that one can operate the transformer, but if one’s hand slips off the handle, it raises up and shuts off the train—just like a dead-mans lever on a real locomotive. By pushing the handle down further, it “locks” on.
    THE ONLY WAY THE DEADMAN CONTROL SHUTS OFF THE POWER TO THE TRACK IS BY LIFTING THE CARBON ROLLER OFF THE TRANSFORMER CORE.  Transformers with a panel mounted on-off switch turns off the transformer entirely, shutting off the fixed voltage too. Sorry for the “shouting” but this question seems to just drag on and on.
    Now, for a permanent layout, I recommend adding a normally closed push button to the variable voltage lead to the track to use as a shut off, instead of raising and lowering the handle, which, if clipped in does put a lot of strain on the turret and this stuff isn’t getting any younger.  I Have purchased some spring loaded toggle switch that I plan to use that allows me to turn off the power to the track or to momentarily put the full fixed voltage to the track to sequence the reverse unit (yes, I still use the ACG mechanical units!). I found these at some on-line surplus site, so I don’t know where to suggest one can find more.
    OK, now back to running trains!!
    David Dewey
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78742 From: sgaugian Date: 1/3/2017
    Subject: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs

    Hello Fellow S-Trains Enthusiasts,

    Happy New Year!  Best wishes to you and yours for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2017.  I have a broken SHS SW9.  It needs a Universal Set (Part #7 on page 20 of the Operating Manual, originally $5.00) — more specifically, one of the balls with a hole through it and two pegs protruding from it.  The one on the rear truck of this engine is split and spins on the gear box drive shaft.  Do you have either a full Universal Set or just one or two of the ball joints?  Thanks. 

    Best regards,


    Group: S-Trains Message: 78743 From: richs009 Date: 1/3/2017
    Subject: Re: Can we End this insanity? Was: Help with AF 19B Transformer
    Gosh (Ken and Mike), I won't claim omniscience, but I'm quite certain about my (recent) previous post -- that raising the deadman handle allows the carbon roller to lift up above the transformer winding (by virtue of releasing the pressure on the spring copper arm).  There simply are no other wires running to any other switches inside the transformer that are connected to the deadman arm and plunger, so the only way the 6-15VAC circuit is broken is by allowing the carbon roller to lift above the transformer secondary winding.  There certainly is no knife switch inside the housing.

    Some time ago I repaired both my 18B and 30B transformers, so I've been inside the housing before, but I couldn't recall for certain how the deadman handle/circuit worked.  So I pulled out the 15B and pulled the cover off, as I reported a day or so ago.  And, as noted in my earlier post, what 'sealed the deal' for my understanding - besides seeing that the roller was not in contact with the winding -  was seeing that the wire running to the 6-15V post came directly from that contact arm - no other switches in the circuit...

    - Rich
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78744 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 1/4/2017
    Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
    I don't have the parts you need but can offer some suggestions. With a little work and ingenuity I believe you could solve your problem. Firstly check Walthers. They may have sufficient parts in O or HO scale to rebuild your drive system. Secondly you could try shimming using round tubing and epoxy it to the parts in question. In any event years ago a modeler would many times fabricate something that would work.
                                                            Bob Lampe
                                                            Kalispell, MT
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78745 From: sgaugian Date: 1/4/2017
    Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
    Thanks.  I'm very familiar with workarounds and that sort of thing using shop materials and tools such as 0.001" brass shims, etc., but I first like to see if I can find the original part or something suitable.  Thanks for the tip to try Walthers.  Others have suggested NWSL.  They too might have something suitable.  I'm looking into that.  
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78746 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/4/2017
    Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
      I'm the moderator for the repower and regear modeling forum.  In our experience when a lightly used model breaks a universal set it is generally the result of a poor design.
    Replacing with the same just repeats the problem.  Lately the problem has been with 2mm drive shafts as more and more model motors have 2mm motor shafts compared
    to the stouter 2.4mm motor shafts used for decades.  My suggestion is to measure the shaft diameter and then post the results.  There are numerous replacement universal sets
    available for 2.4mm shafts.  A photo of the broken universal set could help as well.  For 2mm shafts the options are more limited.

    Kenneth R. Clark
    P.O. Box 212454
    Chula Vista, CA 91921

    -----Original Message-----
    From: davidghorn@... [S-Trains] <>
    To: S-Trains <>
    Sent: Tue, Jan 3, 2017 3:13 pm
    Subject: [S-Trains] SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs

    Hello Fellow S-Trains Enthusiasts,

    Happy New Year!  Best wishes to you and yours for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2017.  I have a broken SHS SW9.  It needs a Universal Set (Part #7 on page 20 of the Operating Manual, originally $5.00) — more specifically, one of the balls with a hole through it and two pegs protruding from it.  The one on the rear truck of this engine is split and spins on the gear box drive shaft.  Do you have either a full Universal Set or just one or two of the ball joints?  Thanks. 

    Best regards,


    Group: S-Trains Message: 78747 From: sgaugian Date: 1/7/2017
    Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
    Thanks Ken and others who provided me input and suggestions on this topic.   I ordered some universal joint parts from NWSL. Hopefully the horned-ball included with them for 2.4mm shafts will work. They’re on their way.   I’ll let you know.

    Ken, I understand your point about using the same parts that failed in the first place and expecting different results is the definition of insanity, not to mention a waste of time.  However, manufacturers can and do learn from their mistakes.  American Models, for example, fortunately still makes replacement parts for their engines available for purchase.  Among those are universal joint kits.  Among those are at least one that I'm aware of via Ron B that they ever so slightly enlarged the ID of some components after learning over the years they were just a tiny bit too tight and prone to splitting.
    Group: S-Trains Message: 78748 From: Date: 1/7/2017
    Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 08 January 2017
    Attachments :
      "SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT" reminder
      Sunday, 08 January 2017
      05:00 PM to 11:30 PM
      (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
      SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, 5/27/2012, 8:00 pm Reminder from: S-Trains Yahoo! Group Title: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT Date: Sunday May 27, 2012 Time: 8:00 pm - 12:00 am Repeats: This event repeats every week. Location: Notes: Sunday night online chat. Everyone welcome. Time: 8 PM **Web Address: **
      S-Trains   Calendar
      Group: S-Trains Message: 78749 From: henry_betz Date: 1/7/2017
      Subject: Re: Hanks S Gauge Trains
      Hi Bob,

      Thanks for the post, and doubly so thanks for the wife's support!


      Hank Betz
      Group: S-Trains Message: 78750 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/7/2017
      Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
      Attachments :

        For 2.4mm shafts I recommend Hobbytown of Boston universals, have used them for nearly 40 years in HO and On3
        steam models w/o problems.  Hobbytown has a new owner who has made parts available again.

        The Hobbytown switcher chassis uses a very short, but quiet universal consisting of pinned balls (horned balls?) on a 2.4mm shaft
        connected by a short coupling, overall length is only 3/8".  
        I have found the NWSL universal sets and other engineering plastic universals to be somewhat noisier than
        the old Hobbytown universals.

        I sell the two universals and spare pinned ball pictured below for $3 plus shipping.


        Kenneth R. Clark
        P.O. Box 212454
        Chula Vista, CA 91921

        -----Original Message-----
        From: davidghorn@... [S-Trains] <>
        To: S-Trains <>
        Sent: Sat, Jan 7, 2017 4:47 pm
        Subject: Re: [S-Trains] SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs

        Thanks Ken and others who provided me input and suggestions on this topic.   I ordered some universal joint parts from NWSL. Hopefully the horned-ball included with them for 2.4mm shafts will work. They’re on their way.   I’ll let you know.

        Ken, I understand your point about using the same parts that failed in the first place and expecting different results is the definition of insanity, not to mention a waste of time.  However, manufacturers can and do learn from their mistakes.  American Models, for example, fortunately still makes replacement parts for their engines available for purchase.  Among those are universal joint kits.  Among those are at least one that I'm aware of via Ron B that they ever so slightly enlarged the ID of some components after learning over the years they were just a tiny bit too tight and prone to splitting.
        Group: S-Trains Message: 78751 From: David Horn Date: 1/8/2017
        Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
        Thanks Ken.  They look as though they’d work.  I’ll keep them in mind if those from NWSL do not.  Also for in the future.  Do you have a web site for Hobbytown of Boston?  Are they part of the Hobbytown chain ?  

        Best regards,

        On Jan 7, 2017, at 8:36 PM, Kenneth Clark <kenrclark@...> wrote:


        For 2.4mm shafts I recommend Hobbytown of Boston universals, have used them for nearly 40 years in HO and On3
        steam models w/o problems.  Hobbytown has a new owner who has made parts available again.

        The Hobbytown switcher chassis uses a very short, but quiet universal consisting of pinned balls (horned balls?) on a 2.4mm shaft
        connected by a short coupling, overall length is only 3/8".  
        I have found the NWSL universal sets and other engineering plastic universals to be somewhat noisier than
        the old Hobbytown universals.

        I sell the two universals and spare pinned ball pictured below for $3 plus shipping.


        Kenneth R. Clark
        P.O. Box 212454
        Chula Vista, CA 91921

        -----Original Message-----
        From: davidghorn@... [S-Trains] <>
        To: S-Trains <>
        Sent: Sat, Jan 7, 2017 4:47 pm
        Subject: Re: [S-Trains] SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs

        Thanks Ken and others who provided me input and suggestions on this topic.   I ordered some universal joint parts from NWSL. Hopefully the horned-ball included with them for 2.4mm shafts will work. They’re on their way.   I’ll let you know.

        Ken, I understand your point about using the same parts that failed in the first place and expecting different results is the definition of insanity, not to mention a waste of time.  However, manufacturers can and do learn from their mistakes.  American Models, for example, fortunately still makes replacement parts for their engines available for purchase.  Among those are universal joint kits.  Among those are at least one that I'm aware of via Ron B that they ever so slightly enlarged the ID of some components after learning over the years they were just a tiny bit too tight and prone to splitting.

        David Horn

        Group: S-Trains Message: 78752 From: David Dewey Date: 1/8/2017
        Subject: Sacramento Great Train show report
        Well, the rain didn’t keep folks away from the show. While there weren’t many folks with S there, there we enough that buys could be found. I passed one vendor’s stall as all I saw was some Gargaves Flexible track lengths with nothing else around them. Well, apparently he had some “junk boxes” out of which others pulled, a 313 with large motor for $20, rough in spots, but very restorable, an early SF PA/B running for $20, a milk car for $10—Augh!!! Well, I did plow through the box later and got the milk car platform, rusty, but intact and a NH Lumber car with all the bits, but the wood is water damamged, both for $5. Then at another vendor I asked about “Junk AF” and he said, he’d sold most all of it to one guy, but here were some cars I could have all 5 for $40. Well, if these were “Junk” I don’t want to see what he sold before me, as all good roofwalks, brake wheels and even the nubs for the door latches were there, two GN boxcars, a Pikemaster spotlight car and a green gon. and an MP stock car. One other vendor let me have the last of his “bits” the Union Station door/tower with roof and steps for $20, which completes a station I have.
        So, all in all, I did OK, and others did really great!
        See ya on Chat?
        David D.
        Group: S-Trains Message: 78753 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/8/2017
        Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report
        I'll be at the Great Train Show next week in Pomona, last year there was very little Flyer stuff or bargains.

        Kenneth R. Clark
        P.O. Box 212454
        Chula Vista, CA 91921

        -----Original Message-----
        From: 'David Dewey' djdewey@... [S-Trains] <>
        To: S-Trains <>
        Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2017 10:28 am
        Subject: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report

        Well, the rain didn’t keep folks away from the show. While there weren’t many folks with S there, there we enough that buys could be found. I passed one vendor’s stall as all I saw was some Gargaves Flexible track lengths with nothing else around them. Well, apparently he had some “junk boxes” out of which others pulled, a 313 with large motor for $20, rough in spots, but very restorable, an early SF PA/B running for $20, a milk car for $10—Augh!!! Well, I did plow through the box later and got the milk car platform, rusty, but intact and a NH Lumber car with all the bits, but the wood is water damamged, both for $5. Then at another vendor I asked about “Junk AF” and he said, he’d sold most all of it to one guy, but here were some cars I could have all 5 for $40. Well, if these were “Junk” I don’t want to see what he sold before me, as all good roofwalks, brake wheels and even the nubs for the door latches were there, two GN boxcars, a Pikemaster spotlight car and a green gon. and an MP stock car. One other vendor let me have the last of his “bits” the Union Station door/tower with roof and steps for $20, which completes a station I have.
        So, all in all, I did OK, and others did really great!
        See ya on Chat?
        David D.
        Group: S-Trains Message: 78754 From: Date: 1/8/2017
        Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 08 January 2017
        Attachments :
          "SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT" reminder
          Sunday, 08 January 2017
          05:00 PM to 11:30 PM
          (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

          SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, 5/27/2012, 8:00 pm Reminder from: S-Trains Yahoo! Group Title: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT Date: Sunday May 27, 2012 Time: 8:00 pm - 12:00 am Repeats: This event repeats every week. Location: Notes: Sunday night online chat. Everyone welcome. Time: 8 PM **Web Address: **
          S-Trains   Calendar
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78755 From: Frank Emiro Date: 1/8/2017
          Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report
          I went to Atlanta yesterday for the 2nd time at the  

          Atlanta, Georgia – January 7 & 8, 2017

          Georgia World Congress Center
          285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
          Atlanta, GA 30313 .


          Sent from my iPhone

          On Jan 8, 2017, at 1:42 PM, Kenneth Clark kenrclark@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:


          I'll be at the Great Train Show next week in Pomona, last year there was very little Flyer stuff or bargains.

          Kenneth R. Clark
          P.O. Box 212454
          Chula Vista, CA 91921

          -----Original Message-----
          From: 'David Dewey' djdewey@... [S-Trains] <>
          To: S-Trains <>
          Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2017 10:28 am
          Subject: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report

          Well, the rain didn’t keep folks away from the show. While there weren’t many folks with S there, there we enough that buys could be found. I passed one vendor’s stall as all I saw was some Gargaves Flexible track lengths with nothing else around them. Well, apparently he had some “junk boxes” out of which others pulled, a 313 with large motor for $20, rough in spots, but very restorable, an early SF PA/B running for $20, a milk car for $10—Augh!!! Well, I did plow through the box later and got the milk car platform, rusty, but intact and a NH Lumber car with all the bits, but the wood is water damamged, both for $5. Then at another vendor I asked about “Junk AF” and he said, he’d sold most all of it to one guy, but here were some cars I could have all 5 for $40. Well, if these were “Junk” I don’t want to see what he sold before me, as all good roofwalks, brake wheels and even the nubs for the door latches were there, two GN boxcars, a Pikemaster spotlight car and a green gon. and an MP stock car. One other vendor let me have the last of his “bits” the Union Station door/tower with roof and steps for $20, which completes a station I have.
          So, all in all, I did OK, and others did really great!
          See ya on Chat?
          David D.

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78756 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/8/2017
          Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report

          Next week end is the Great Trainshow in Oaks PA – I will let everyone know how it goes.  If it is similar to the one in Timonium MD, there will be  S there


          From: []
          Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2017 1:57 PM
          Subject: Re: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report



          I went to Atlanta yesterday for the 2nd time at the  

          Atlanta, Georgia – January 7 & 8, 2017

          Georgia World Congress Center
          285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
          Atlanta, GA 30313 .





          Sent from my iPhone

          On Jan 8, 2017, at 1:42 PM, Kenneth Clark kenrclark@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:


          I'll be at the Great Train Show next week in Pomona, last year there was very little Flyer stuff or bargains.

          Kenneth R. Clark
          P.O. Box 212454

          Chula Vista, CA 91921



          -----Original Message-----
          From: 'David Dewey' djdewey@... [S-Trains] <>
          To: S-Trains <>
          Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2017 10:28 am
          Subject: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report


          Well, the rain didn’t keep folks away from the show. While there weren’t many folks with S there, there we enough that buys could be found. I passed one vendor’s stall as all I saw was some Gargaves Flexible track lengths with nothing else around them. Well, apparently he had some “junk boxes” out of which others pulled, a 313 with large motor for $20, rough in spots, but very restorable, an early SF PA/B running for $20, a milk car for $10—Augh!!! Well, I did plow through the box later and got the milk car platform, rusty, but intact and a NH Lumber car with all the bits, but the wood is water damamged, both for $5. Then at another vendor I asked about “Junk AF” and he said, he’d sold most all of it to one guy, but here were some cars I could have all 5 for $40. Well, if these were “Junk” I don’t want to see what he sold before me, as all good roofwalks, brake wheels and even the nubs for the door latches were there, two GN boxcars, a Pikemaster spotlight car and a green gon. and an MP stock car. One other vendor let me have the last of his “bits” the Union Station door/tower with roof and steps for $20, which completes a station I have.

          So, all in all, I did OK, and others did really great!

          See ya on Chat?

          David D.

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78757 From: Frank Emiro Date: 1/8/2017
          Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report
          Sounds good 👍. I will attend the Big E the last weekend of this month and love that event and yes LOTS OF S GAUGES TOO. 

          Sent from my iPhone

          On Jan 8, 2017, at 3:52 PM, 'D. Scott MacKenzie' kb0fhp@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:


          Next week end is the Great Trainshow in Oaks PA – I will let everyone know how it goes.  If it is similar to the one in Timonium MD, there will be  S there


          From: []
          Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2017 1:57 PM
          Subject: Re: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report



          I went to Atlanta yesterday for the 2nd time at the  

          Atlanta, Georgia – January 7 & 8, 2017

          Georgia World Congress Center
          285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
          Atlanta, GA 30313 .





          Sent from my iPhone

          On Jan 8, 2017, at 1:42 PM, Kenneth Clark kenrclark@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:


          I'll be at the Great Train Show next week in Pomona, last year there was very little Flyer stuff or bargains.

          Kenneth R. Clark
          P.O. Box 212454

          Chula Vista, CA 91921



          -----Original Message-----
          From: 'David Dewey' djdewey@... [S-Trains] <>
          To: S-Trains <>
          Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2017 10:28 am
          Subject: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report


          Well, the rain didn’t keep folks away from the show. While there weren’t many folks with S there, there we enough that buys could be found. I passed one vendor’s stall as all I saw was some Gargaves Flexible track lengths with nothing else around them. Well, apparently he had some “junk boxes” out of which others pulled, a 313 with large motor for $20, rough in spots, but very restorable, an early SF PA/B running for $20, a milk car for $10—Augh!!! Well, I did plow through the box later and got the milk car platform, rusty, but intact and a NH Lumber car with all the bits, but the wood is water damamged, both for $5. Then at another vendor I asked about “Junk AF” and he said, he’d sold most all of it to one guy, but here were some cars I could have all 5 for $40. Well, if these were “Junk” I don’t want to see what he sold before me, as all good roofwalks, brake wheels and even the nubs for the door latches were there, two GN boxcars, a Pikemaster spotlight car and a green gon. and an MP stock car. One other vendor let me have the last of his “bits” the Union Station door/tower with roof and steps for $20, which completes a station I have.

          So, all in all, I did OK, and others did really great!

          See ya on Chat?

          David D.

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78758 From: mike boyd Date: 1/8/2017
          Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report
          Hi Dave, the other guy who bought all the junk was me. Same guy you bought the cars from. Here are some parts sites I know of' also the site for the cloth covered wire, Chuck's Trains
          SSS Supplies
          Hobby Surplus Sales

          From: "Frank Emiro femiro2002@... [S-Trains]" <>
          Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2017 10:56 AM
          Subject: Re: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report

          I went to Atlanta yesterday for the 2nd time at the  

          Atlanta, Georgia – January 7 & 8, 2017

          Georgia World Congress Center
          285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
          Atlanta, GA 30313 .


          Sent from my iPhone

          On Jan 8, 2017, at 1:42 PM, Kenneth Clark kenrclark@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:

          I'll be at the Great Train Show next week in Pomona, last year there was very little Flyer stuff or bargains.

          Kenneth R. Clark
          P.O. Box 212454
          Chula Vista, CA 91921

          -----Original Message-----
          From: 'David Dewey' djdewey@... [S-Trains] <>
          To: S-Trains <>
          Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2017 10:28 am
          Subject: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report

          Well, the rain didn’t keep folks away from the show. While there weren’t many folks with S there, there we enough that buys could be found. I passed one vendor’s stall as all I saw was some Gargaves Flexible track lengths with nothing else around them. Well, apparently he had some “junk boxes” out of which others pulled, a 313 with large motor for $20, rough in spots, but very restorable, an early SF PA/B running for $20, a milk car for $10—Augh!!! Well, I did plow through the box later and got the milk car platform, rusty, but intact and a NH Lumber car with all the bits, but the wood is water damamged, both for $5. Then at another vendor I asked about “Junk AF” and he said, he’d sold most all of it to one guy, but here were some cars I could have all 5 for $40. Well, if these were “Junk” I don’t want to see what he sold before me, as all good roofwalks, brake wheels and even the nubs for the door latches were there, two GN boxcars, a Pikemaster spotlight car and a green gon. and an MP stock car. One other vendor let me have the last of his “bits” the Union Station door/tower with roof and steps for $20, which completes a station I have.
          So, all in all, I did OK, and others did really great!
          See ya on Chat?
          David D.

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78759 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/8/2017
          Subject: Re: Sacramento Great Train show report

          What is the BIG E?


          From: []
          Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2017 4:32 PM
          Subject: Re: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report



          Sounds good 👍. I will attend the Big E the last weekend of this month and love that event and yes LOTS OF S GAUGES TOO. 

          Sent from my iPhone

          On Jan 8, 2017, at 3:52 PM, 'D. Scott MacKenzie' kb0fhp@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:


          Next week end is the Great Trainshow in Oaks PA – I will let everyone know how it goes.  If it is similar to the one in Timonium MD, there will be  S there


          From: []
          Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2017 1:57 PM
          Subject: Re: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report



          I went to Atlanta yesterday for the 2nd time at the  

          Atlanta, Georgia – January 7 & 8, 2017

          Georgia World Congress Center
          285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
          Atlanta, GA 30313 .





          Sent from my iPhone

          On Jan 8, 2017, at 1:42 PM, Kenneth Clark kenrclark@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:


          I'll be at the Great Train Show next week in Pomona, last year there was very little Flyer stuff or bargains.

          Kenneth R. Clark
          P.O. Box 212454

          Chula Vista, CA 91921



          -----Original Message-----
          From: 'David Dewey' djdewey@... [S-Trains] <>
          To: S-Trains <>
          Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2017 10:28 am
          Subject: [S-Trains] Sacramento Great Train show report


          Well, the rain didn’t keep folks away from the show. While there weren’t many folks with S there, there we enough that buys could be found. I passed one vendor’s stall as all I saw was some Gargaves Flexible track lengths with nothing else around them. Well, apparently he had some “junk boxes” out of which others pulled, a 313 with large motor for $20, rough in spots, but very restorable, an early SF PA/B running for $20, a milk car for $10—Augh!!! Well, I did plow through the box later and got the milk car platform, rusty, but intact and a NH Lumber car with all the bits, but the wood is water damamged, both for $5. Then at another vendor I asked about “Junk AF” and he said, he’d sold most all of it to one guy, but here were some cars I could have all 5 for $40. Well, if these were “Junk” I don’t want to see what he sold before me, as all good roofwalks, brake wheels and even the nubs for the door latches were there, two GN boxcars, a Pikemaster spotlight car and a green gon. and an MP stock car. One other vendor let me have the last of his “bits” the Union Station door/tower with roof and steps for $20, which completes a station I have.

          So, all in all, I did OK, and others did really great!

          See ya on Chat?

          David D.

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78760 From: henry_betz Date: 1/8/2017
          Subject: Re: Prices Falling

          Can you tell me if the S Hudson 322 SIT is supposed to chuff, and if so does it push the smoke through the stack in rhythm to the axle revolutions?


          Hank Betz
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78761 From: henry_betz Date: 1/8/2017
          Subject: Re: Prices Falling
          Does that switch also delete the chuff?

          Hank Betz
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78762 From: The Laniers Date: 1/8/2017
          Subject: Re: Prices Falling
          What does this thread have to do with prices falling?
          Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2017 5:38 PM
          Subject: Re: [S-Trains] Re: Prices Falling

          Does that switch also delete the chuff?

          Hank Betz
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78763 From: snstrains Date: 1/8/2017
          Subject: 322 SIT
          Yes it chuffs and no it isn't connected to the wheel RPM. It is solely voltage operated. Switch on bottom shuts off and turns on the motor that drives the bellows and send current to the smoke wick.
          Steve Blackburn
          Boise, Idaho
          In a message dated 1/8/2017 3:30:15 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, writes:


          Can you tell me if the S Hudson 322 SIT is supposed to chuff, and if so does it push the smoke through the stack in rhythm to the axle revolutions?


          Hank Betz

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78764 From: ken garber Date: 1/9/2017
          Subject: Re: Digest Number 7286 - 'Hobbytown' Drives

          Not the same.

          Here's what you're looking for:


          They also list,9637.html which looks like a variation on Athearn drives.

          NWSL carries bushings for reducing shaft fittings at

          ken G.

          On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 4:55 AM, <> wrote:
          There are 13 messages in this issue.

          Topics in this digest:

          1a. Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
              From: David Horn

          ______________________________ ______________________________ ____________
          1a. Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
              Posted by: "David Horn" davidghorn@... sgaugian
              Date: Sun Jan 8, 2017 10:27 am ((PST))

          Thanks Ken.  They look as though they’d work.  I’ll keep them in mind if those from NWSL do not.  Also for in the future.  Do you have a web site for Hobbytown of Boston?  Are they part of the Hobbytown chain ?

          Best regards,

          > On Jan 7, 2017, at 8:36 PM, Kenneth Clark <kenrclark@...> wrote:
          > David,
          > For 2.4mm shafts I recommend Hobbytown of Boston universals, have used them for nearly 40 years in HO and On3
          > steam models w/o problems.  Hobbytown has a new owner who has made parts available again.
          > The Hobbytown switcher chassis uses a very short, but quiet universal consisting of pinned balls (horned balls?) on a 2.4mm shaft
          > connected by a short coupling, overall length is only 3/8".
          > I have found the NWSL universal sets and other engineering plastic universals to be somewhat noisier than
          > the old Hobbytown universals.
          > I sell the two universals and spare pinned ball pictured below for $3 plus shipping.
          > <HobbytownShortUniversal.JPG>
          > Kenneth R. Clark
          > P.O. Box 212454
          > Chula Vista, CA 91921

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78765 From: danceswithwolves49 Date: 1/10/2017
          Subject: WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE
          Having suffered 2 mini-strokes and 4 heart attacks in just over 2 weeks back in 2010 my memory still isn't the best but is improving. I may have brought this up before and if I did please forgive me. Many times I see reference to S gauge and other times S scale. When I was in HO scale, and many decades younger, and had not even gotten into high school yet and went into a hobby shop in another town(we had no hobby shops in my home town) asking for some HO gauge (I pronounced it like a garden tool) track. I was immediately corrected to the fact it was aitch-owe scale and that gauge was the distance between the rails which led to a complete rundown on the various rail gauges. Now come to today. I see, as I stated previously, S gauge and S scale. Do these terms differentiate between American Flyer and Scale models or does it really matter? Just for the record I am a scale modeler. Not knocking anybody it's just my preference.
               Bob Lampe
               Kalispell, MT
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78766 From: sgaugian Date: 1/10/2017
          Subject: Re: Do you know how to upgrade an SHS SW9 headlight to LED? Thanks.
          Just to close the loop.  I received and tested CL2 20mA LED drivers from Mouser.  I configured one as shown in the data sheet using a 20mA 3mm white LED, 100 nF capacitor, and 1N4001 diode to block reverse voltage.  I applied only DC voltage as recommended.  The LED illuminated with as little as 5.0VDC from the transformer which was 2.33VDC across the CL2.  The LED got brighter as more power was applied, until the transformer hit about 9.3VDC which correlated to 5.1VDC across the CL2.  From 9.3 to 16.3VDC from the transformer the LED intensity or brightness remained fairly constant as one would expect for a 5 to 90 voltage operating range driver.   

          As it ended up, I decided to use a 680 ohm resistor along with a 1N4001 diode since the results of that were sufficient for the purposes of these engines.  I will, however, l keep the use of LED drivers in mind for future projects.

          Thanks again for your help, input, and expertise.

          David Horn   
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78767 From: sgaugian Date: 1/10/2017
          Subject: Re: SHS SW Universal Set - need ball with hole and 2 pegs
          The horned-ball or pegged-ball from NWSL arrived yesterday and it works great (P/N 481-6).  

          Thanks to help from several of you and others, these two scale ACL SHS SW9’s have been successfully converted to hi-rail wheels and AF KC’s, upgraded to LED directional lighting (instead of their original GOW bulbs), as well as enabled to run as one engine thanks to a tiny detachable four-conductor flat cable installed between them.  That allows them to leverage 16-wheel pick-up and use the reverse unit in one engine to control both at the same time.  They look and run very nicely together.  S-Helper engines are great, but their reverse units don’t stay synched very well when run as multi-units.  They tend to get out of synch and fight each other, so cabling them together helps.  [American Models reverse units for some reason are more dependable/predictable.]

          PS  I realize they could be made to run with TMCC/Legacy or DCC and achieve the same or similar multi-unit results, but the owner of these engines runs their trains conventionally and requested they be set up this way.

          David Horn
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78768 From: snstrains Date: 1/10/2017
          Subject: Re WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE
          Depends on the context in which it is used....
          Steve Blackburn
          Boise, Idaho
          In a message dated 1/10/2017 5:31:39 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, writes:

          Having suffered 2 mini-strokes and 4 heart attacks in just over 2 weeks back in 2010 my memory still isn't the best but is improving. I may have brought this up before and if I did please forgive me. Many times I see reference to S gauge and other times S scale. When I was in HO scale, and many decades younger, and had not even gotten into high school yet and went into a hobby shop in another town(we had no hobby shops in my home town) asking for some HO gauge (I pronounced it like a garden tool) track. I was immediately corrected to the fact it was aitch-owe scale and that gauge was the distance between the rails which led to a complete rundown on the various rail gauges. Now come to today. I see, as I stated previously, S gauge and S scale. Do these terms differentiate between American Flyer and Scale models or does it really matter? Just for the record I am a scale modeler. Not knocking anybody it's just my pr eference.

               Bob Lampe
               Kalispell, MT

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78769 From: Kenneth Clark Date: 1/10/2017
          Subject: Re: WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE
            Generally when there are "tinplate" models and scale models running on the same gauge track, scale or proto will
          distinguish those models running on wheels with finer flanges and profiles.  With Lionel and O scale; the typical 
          identification is 3rd Rail and 2 Rail. With Flyer/S gauge it is typically Hi-Rail and 'scale'.   S Scale has three different 
          gauges that have substantial followings, "S" standard gauge, Sn3 Narrow gauge (PBL & Tomalco), Sn3.5 New 
          Zealand standard gauge that runs on HO Standard gauge track (much like On30) (I know other parts of the English
          speaking world also used 3'6" gauge, known as bastard gauge in this country).  Some "S" manufacturers have produced
          track that will allow use of both Hi-Rail and Scale models; but it is a challenge.

          Kenneth R. Clark
          P.O. Box 212454
          Chula Vista, CA 91921

          -----Original Message-----
          From: danceswithwolves49@... [S-Trains] <>
          To: S-Trains <>
          Sent: Tue, Jan 10, 2017 4:31 am
          Subject: [S-Trains] WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE

          Having suffered 2 mini-strokes and 4 heart attacks in just over 2 weeks back in 2010 my memory still isn't the best but is improving. I may have brought this up before and if I did please forgive me. Many times I see reference to S gauge and other times S scale. When I was in HO scale, and many decades younger, and had not even gotten into high school yet and went into a hobby shop in another town(we had no hobby shops in my home town) asking for some HO gauge (I pronounced it like a garden tool) track. I was immediately corrected to the fact it was aitch-owe scale and that gauge was the distance between the rails which led to a complete rundown on the various rail gauges. Now come to today. I see, as I stated previously, S gauge and S scale. Do these terms differentiate between American Flyer and Scale models or does it really matter? Just for the record I am a scale modeler. Not knocking anybody it's just my pr eference.
               Bob Lampe
               Kalispell, MT
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78770 From: Dale Smith Date: 1/10/2017
          Subject: Re: WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE

          First of all, your hobby shop education was correct.  Gauge is the distance between the rails (7/8" in S) and Scale is the proportion of the model to the real thing (1/64 the size of the real thing or 3/16" to the foot in S).  Where confusion comes is the snobbery of some S scale enthusiasts who insist that American Flyer is not "S Scale."  Only their more finely scaled models are deserving of the label "S Scale."  So they refer to American Flyer as "S Gauge."   There a few American Flyer items that are obviously out of scale, such as the Franklin, the handcar, and some later items, but generally most Flyer is at least rough scale.  In my view, most AF and "Scale models" are S scale and both run on S gauge track. The difference is the greater attention to detail in the "scale" side of S.  The difference is Fine Scale versus Rough Scale, but for the most part it is still scale, at 1/64 the size of the real thing.

          Dale Smith

          On 1/9/2017 11:15 PM, danceswithwolves49@... [S-Trains] wrote:

          Having suffered 2 mini-strokes and 4 heart attacks in just over 2 weeks back in 2010 my memory still isn't the best but is improving. I may have brought this up before and if I did please forgive me. Many times I see reference to S gauge and other times S scale. When I was in HO scale, and many decades younger, and had not even gotten into high school yet and went into a hobby shop in another town(we had no hobby shops in my home town) asking for some HO gauge (I pronounced it like a garden tool) track. I was immediately corrected to the fact it was aitch-owe scale and that gauge was the distance between the rails which led to a complete rundown on the various rail gauges. Now come to today. I see, as I stated previously, S gauge and S scale. Do these terms differentiate between American Flyer and Scale models or does it really matter? Just for the record I am a scale modeler. Not knocking anybody it's just my preference.

               Bob Lampe
               Kalispell, MT

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78771 From: racin510 Date: 1/10/2017
          Subject: Re: Re WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE
          Hmmm ... nice to know for sure how to pronounce 'HO'! ACG pre war would be S scale on 0 gauge, post war S scale on S gauge or close enough for the multitudes of us who are not scale perfectionists
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78772 From: mrstumpy50 Date: 1/10/2017
          Subject: Re: WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?

          All of the previous postings are correct, which in itself can be confusing.   As stated, "Gauge" is distance between the rails, while "scale" is the size proportion of the model to the real item.  At the shop I used to work at we originally separated "Toy" and "Model" trains to different sides of the store in the front half of the building (we also carried most other hobbies which filled out the rest.)  Later we rearranged this, but that's another story!  

          "Toy" trains were also known as "Tinplate" trains, a name that recalls the pre-WWII era when toy trains were made of stamped sheet metal.  Another designation for Toy trains was "Hi-rail" because toy track uses taller than accurate rail heights for the bigger wheel flanges that help toy trains to stand the play of children.  That part of the store featured new and used  Lionel, MTH, Marx, Weaver, Williams, and other O gauge, three rail trains, and American Flyer S gauge trains.

          Then there was the "Model" train side which included "accurate" scale model trains running on the correct rail height track.  We carried what O scale two rail which remained, S, HO, N, and when it appeared Z scales.  We eventually added On30 and a little HOn30, the so called "bastard" narrow gauges, but never carried the accurate HOn3 or On3 versions.   Aside from O and S gauges, there were no "Toy" trains in these sizes.

          There is a third possibility that was called "Hi-rail" in the early days of model railroading in the 1930's.  This originally meant using manufactured trucks and couplers of Toy trains while everything else was scratch built to "scale" standards.  In that era there was no "train hobby industry" to support the manufacture of "scale" model items.  That industry evolved as the hobby itself did.

          Today "Hi-rail" has taken on a similar but different meaning.  Because so many modern "Toy" trains are being made to semi-correct scale yet run on the same track as the same manufacturers' Toy trains, they fit the designation "Hi-rail."  And then there are those folks in S who practice "Hi-rail" using American Flyer compatible trucks and couplers under scale correct locomotives and rolling stock.   S Helper and American Models made this easy by vending scale cars with either scale or "Flyer compatible" trucks and couplers.

          I'm into S "Hi-rail" because I use "Flyer compatible" trucks and coup[lers under "scale" cars.  I rebuild old American Flyer steam locos from junk box finds with added details and custom paint.  Since I do train shows, and prize reliable operation highly, "Hi-rail" works quite well for the hours and hours of public operation.  I can walk away and let my "Hi-rail" trains run, but wouldn't dare do that with my HO, HOn30, and On30 trains even at home!

          I've had BOTH "Toy" people and "Scale" people tell me this is a "bastardization."  I also do HOn30 and On30,  called "bastard" scales.  This doesn't bother me too much because I've been called much worse, especially when I was a Stock Car racing official!  :-)

          Stumpy Stone in Ohio ...See y'all at the S Spree May 5th and 6th!

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78773 From: Dale Smith Date: 1/10/2017
          Subject: Re: Re WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE

          Your point about prewar flyer is a good one.  I even know someone who calls it "Flyer O-S."

          Dale Smith

          On 1/10/2017 1:29 PM, racin510@... [S-Trains] wrote:

          Hmmm ... nice to know for sure how to pronounce 'HO'! ACG pre war would be S scale on 0 gauge, post war S scale on S gauge or close enough for the multitudes of us who are not scale perfectionists

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78774 From: Bob Moyer Date: 1/11/2017
          Subject: AF Diecast Atlantic
          Good Morning to All,

          I need a little help with a AF diecast Atlantic 440. the one with the wire handrails etc. A little backround before I get into the issue. November 2015 we downsized from our home around Philadelphia PA to our place close to Naples FL. So we got rid of a lot of "stuff" but not my trains. I did get busted though. As I was moving the boxes of trains from the basement to the truck my wife found out how many I actually have. OOPs. They all went into storage along with the other "stuff" we moved down. For Christmas I was asked if I could put up some of the trains around the tree at our community pool house. I was happy to do it. Everyone young, old, and in between enjoyed the layout. I even had a guy who had a story about his AF trains disappearing when he was young by an evil stepfather. Being Christmas I ended up giving him a Steam Engine. The look on his face was priceless. That's my Christmas story.

          I did get a chance to inventory and clean up my trains. I came across a 440 with a tin tender with the NY NH & H Herald but upon looking further I noticed on one side the herald is in the correct place front side in the corner of the tender. On the other side its on the rear corner of the tender. Looks like a old factory mistake maybe done on a Friday afternoon. The tender looks clean and original. Are there any other "mistakes" out there that we know of? Do you think the value would be affected in a positive way? I'm not looking to sell it. It's just a "Hey look at this engine" moment. Any comments would be appreciated.


          Bob Moyer
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78775 From: Don Abrams Date: 1/12/2017
          Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
          How about a photo? It would be interesting to see! The NY, NH & H tender was plastic and most commonly came with the 293 4-6-2 Pacific. Die cast 4-4-2 Atlantics (1-pc or 4-pc) usually came with sheet metal tenders and I don't think they ever carried the NY, NH & H herald. Tenders with 4-wire harnesses could be easily interchanged between engines.
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78776 From: John Davis Date: 1/12/2017
          Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
          Bob: Your words individually make sense, but combined they don't correlate into any consistent experience that I've had with American Flyer S Gauge.  Die-cast Atlantics exist, but they are 4-4-2's (that's what makes them "Atlantics") not 4-4-0's.  The NYNH& H tender has always been behind #293 Pacifics or their later 5 digit successor.  The shell for such tenders will readily mount on Atlantic tender frames made to go with the plastic shells, as will the CNW shell and the Casey Jones tenders.  It sounds to me as if you have a factory defect on stamping a re-purposed tender shell, unless someone later bungled the application of NYNHH dry transfers or decals, being pulled behind a diecast Atlantic that lost its trailing truck somewhere in the mists of time.  As a kid in the 50's I was guilty of such switcheroos as I preferred the metal Atlantic shell to the plastic, and had to open up tenders just to see what was in there (plastic U with embedded steel pegs to add weight for the pick-up wheels).   You may even have a Frontiersman chassis in a Atlantic shell, if the wheels are red or blue. The archaeology of  these old trains is part of the fun, I think.  My train pal friends and I wouldn't pay anything for a fangled tender shell, but there may be a variation collector out there that is stoked but such anomalies.  Put the tender shell on eBay and see if your ship comes in.

           All the best, John Davis Noblesville IN  
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78777 From: degreen60 Date: 1/12/2017
          Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
          Would be best to post pictures of what you have. I have seen lots of American Flyer mods. Including a gulf tank car with Crane Naval sticker on it. I have an Atlantic 302 with a 0-8-0 boiler front and a Marx NYC tender mounted on a K5 tender bottom. I am not a collector but have a layout for kids to play with so I look for junk at fleas markets and yard sales to fix for the layout.
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78778 From: john isn't eddie anymore Date: 1/12/2017
          Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
          Amato (aka Hobby Surplus) in New Britain, CT has been selling NYNH&H 293 tender shell for decades.  John Marganski
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78779 From: Bob Moyer Date: 1/12/2017
          Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic
          I think the laptop has a keyboard problem. I typed 442 and it came out 440 LOL! Yes it possibly was a tender swap sometime in the past. As for putting it on Ebay to see if my ship comes in, well I think my ships the Titanic. I ain't never coming in!


          Bob Moyer

          On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:32 AM, John Davis wyoaf@... [S-Trains] <> wrote:

          Bob: Your words individually make sense, but combined they don't correlate into any consistent experience that I've had with American Flyer S Gauge.  Die-cast Atlantics exist, but they are 4-4-2's (that's what makes them "Atlantics") not 4-4-0's.  The NYNH& H tender has always been behind #293 Pacifics or their later 5 digit successor.  The shell for such tenders will readily mount on Atlantic tender frames made to go with the plastic shells, as will the CNW shell and the Casey Jones tenders.  It sounds to me as if you have a factory defect on stamping a re-purposed tender shell, unless someone later bungled the application of NYNHH dry transfers or decals, being pulled behind a diecast Atlantic that lost its trailing truck somewhere in the mists of time.  As a kid in the 50's I was guilty of such switcheroos as I preferred the metal Atlantic shell to the plastic, and had to open up tenders just to see what was in there (plastic U with embedded steel pegs to add weight for the pick-up wheels).   You may even have a Frontiersman chassis in a Atlantic shell, if the wheels are red or blue. The archaeology of  these old trains is part of the fun, I think.  My train pal friends and I wouldn't pay anything for a fangled tender shell, but there may be a variation collector out there that is stoked but such anomalies.  Put the tender shell on eBay and see if your ship comes in.

           All the best, John Davis Noblesville IN  

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78780 From: Doug Peck Date: 1/12/2017
          Subject: Re: AF Diecast Atlantic

          HSS will stamp a plastic Atlantic tender shell with any original markings you choose.

          BUT, the tender shells they use are the LATE Atlantic tender shells that accepted the 2-pin plastic plug from the engine, and those, of course, were only used with plastic Atlantics with the later 2-position rvs unit on the back of the motor. The location where the receptacle would be located is empty, so you’ll always recognize it by the large rectangular opening in the front of the tender shell.  Every “repro” tender shell I have ever seen from them was of this type.  Anybody ever seen otherwise??????

          Doug Peck
          Port Lines Hobby Supply
          6 Storeybrooke Drive
          Newburyport, MA 01950-3408

          Phone Order Hours - Monday through Thursday:  2-5 PM (EST) only. No other availability.
          978-465-8798 (Questions & Information)
          1-888-708-0782 (Phone Orders only, please.)


          From: []
          Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:58 PM
          Subject: [S-Trains] Re: AF Diecast Atlantic



          Amato (aka Hobby Surplus) in New Britain, CT has been selling NYNH&H 293 tender shell for decades.  John Marganski

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78781 From: racin510 Date: 1/12/2017
          Subject: Northern ElectroCoupler Issues
          Has anyone experienced the coupler not working, or better is it working for everyone but me? Either one or two taps on the left side button, as with the Berk, and no sound or action. I want to be sure I'm trying everything and that it works for others before sending it back.
          Love the unadvertised addition of smoke at stand still and the notch-less throttle.


          Group: S-Trains Message: 78782 From: George Cohn Date: 1/12/2017
          Subject: Sound module
          For those who like to build accessories for their trains, here is an
          interesting module that lets you record sounds and play them back:

          I built one some years ago using an older version of the chip and loaded
          in several of the sounds from the original talking stations.

          The module can be found on eBay. A typical one is
          for as little at $4.28. You can also control it from an Arduino or
          Raspberry Pi so it can be automated.

          A great way to update those talking stations and eliminate wearing out
          those precious 78 rpm records!

          George Cohn
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78783 From: chuck_7612 Date: 1/12/2017
          Subject: Re: Northern ElectroCoupler Issues
          Read this on another forum...

          "To operate it hold down the middle sound (announcement) button (shows a microphone and the word SHIFT) and at the same time depress the bell button (also shows a coupler image). The rear coupler will open."
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78784 From: hobbycj1 Date: 1/12/2017
          Subject: Re: Northern ElectroCoupler Issues
          Hi-- Try pressing the shift button as you use the uncoupling button. It seeme to work. Also the shift button adjusts the sound volume. I think the smoke at idle is awesome!
          Thanks CJB
          Clement J Bianchi
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78785 From: Jim Strompolis Date: 1/13/2017
          Subject: Train O Rama 790

          Does anybody have spare panels for this?I am looking for Corner Section E left side store building.Thanks Jim

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78786 From: David Dewey Date: 1/13/2017
          Subject: Tender shells
          That reverse-stamped tender might be a factory mistake, so there would be someone out there interested-although the interest might only be to trade you a “normal” shell (maybe 2 for 1).
          As to the HSS shells, I don’t know if you can call them “reproductions” when, AFAIK, they are just leftover shells from the factory sale—he must have bought a bin or bins of them. It makes sense, as once you set up an injection molding machine, it’s cheaper to mold 1000 items than 50 items (per item cost) and the basic shell was used for many different locomotives, so I’m certain ACG made a BUNCH of them at once, and held them for later production. They obviously didn’t get very far in the manufacturing process, as they don’t have the receptacles installed (and those were deleted in very late production with direct-wired engines). Late shells also have the slots molded in them for the late chassis that used no screws. More assembly cost savings!
          The whole ACG production cost reductions and shared parts system is worth a study in itself!
          Run ‘em if ya got ‘em!
          David D.
          Group: S-Trains Message: 78787 From: Stanley Sobieski Date: 1/13/2017
          Subject: Re: Tender shells

          Hi Dave

          I am looking for plastic Hudson tender shells do you have them or know anyone that dose??????

          Thanks stan


          From: []
          Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 2:07 PM
          Subject: [S-Trains] Tender shells



          That reverse-stamped tender might be a factory mistake, so there would be someone out there interested-although the interest might only be to trade you a “normal” shell (maybe 2 for 1).

          As to the HSS shells, I don’t know if you can call them “reproductions” when, AFAIK, they are just leftover shells from the factory sale—he must have bought a bin or bins of them. It makes sense, as once you set up an injection molding machine, it’s cheaper to mold 1000 items than 50 items (per item cost) and the basic shell was used for many different locomotives, so I’m certain ACG made a BUNCH of them at once, and held them for later production. They obviously didn’t get very far in the manufacturing process, as they don’t have the receptacles installed (and those were deleted in very late production with direct-wired engines). Late shells also have the slots molded in them for the late chassis that used no screws. More assembly cost savings!

          The whole ACG production cost reductions and shared parts system is worth a study in itself!

          Run ‘em if ya got ‘em!

          David D.

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78788 From: Doug Peck Date: 1/13/2017
          Subject: Re: Tender shells

          Assuming you were directing this email to me,  I THINK I still have at least one of these.



          HUDSON TENDER SHELL (SIB); Black resin; (PA9312); Prewar repro, but can be used postwar; steps are cast on. Unlettered; New





          Doug Peck
          Port Lines Hobby Supply
          6 Storeybrooke Drive
          Newburyport, MA 01950-3408

          Phone Order Hours - Monday through Thursday:  2-5 PM (EST) only. No other availability.
          978-465-8798 (Questions & Information)
          1-888-708-0782 (Phone Orders only, please.)


          From: []
          Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 7:35 PM
          Subject: RE: [S-Trains] Tender shells



          Hi Dave

          I am looking for plastic Hudson tender shells do you have them or know anyone that dose??????

          Thanks stan


          From: []
          Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 2:07 PM
          Subject: [S-Trains] Tender shells



          That reverse-stamped tender might be a factory mistake, so there would be someone out there interested-although the interest might only be to trade you a “normal” shell (maybe 2 for 1).

          As to the HSS shells, I don’t know if you can call them “reproductions” when, AFAIK, they are just leftover shells from the factory sale—he must have bought a bin or bins of them. It makes sense, as once you set up an injection molding machine, it’s cheaper to mold 1000 items than 50 items (per item cost) and the basic shell was used for many different locomotives, so I’m certain ACG made a BUNCH of them at once, and held them for later production. They obviously didn’t get very far in the manufacturing process, as they don’t have the receptacles installed (and those were deleted in very late production with direct-wired engines). Late shells also have the slots molded in them for the late chassis that used no screws. More assembly cost savings!

          The whole ACG production cost reductions and shared parts system is worth a study in itself!

          Run ‘em if ya got ‘em!

          David D.

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78789 From: David Dewey Date: 1/14/2017
          Subject: Re: Tender Shells
          Looks like Doug P. has one! Otherwise, you ARE looking for something almost made of Unobtainium. It’s too bad Amato didn’t find a bin of them too.
          Hi Dave

          I am looking for plastic Hudson tender shells do you have them or know anyone that dose??????

          Thanks stan

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78790 From: D. Scott MacKenzie Date: 1/14/2017
          Subject: Oaks Train Show

          I went to the Oaks train show today.  It was a good turn-out and parking was sparse.  There was a lot of HO and N as to be expected.  There were only a few tables with AF or S present.  Not many bargains.  I didn’t pick up a single thing except the 2017 Greenburg Price book. 


          The only layouts were a huge G layout (lots of fun to watch), and two N-gauge modules.  There was also a nice HO module layout from two different clubs that made a huge layout.  Half was an interesting set up depicting a steel mill.

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78791 From: americanflyer Date: 1/14/2017
          Subject: Re: Tender Shells
          Yes would be worth there weight in gold thanks 

          Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

          -------- Original message --------
          From: "'David Dewey' djdewey@... [S-Trains]" <>
          Date: 1/14/17 4:35 PM (GMT-05:00)
          Subject: [S-Trains] RE: Tender Shells


          Looks like Doug P. has one! Otherwise, you ARE looking for something almost made of Unobtainium. It’s too bad Amato didn’t find a bin of them too.
          Hi Dave

          I am looking for plastic Hudson tender shells do you have them or know anyone that dose??????

          Thanks stan

          Group: S-Trains Message: 78792 From: Date: 1/14/2017
          Subject: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, Sunday, 15 January 2017
          Attachments :
            "SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT" reminder
            Sunday, 15 January 2017
            05:00 PM to 11:30 PM
            (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
            SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT, 5/27/2012, 8:00 pm Reminder from: S-Trains Yahoo! Group Title: SUNDAY EVENING S CHAT Date: Sunday May 27, 2012 Time: 8:00 pm - 12:00 am Repeats: This event repeats every week. Location: Notes: Sunday night online chat. Everyone welcome. Time: 8 PM **Web Address: **
            S-Trains   Calendar
            Group: S-Trains Message: 78793 From: racin510 Date: 1/14/2017
            Subject: Re: Northern ElectroCoupler Issues
            Affirmative, that's how the coupler activates. Just a little weird but not as weird as 'LLC' not even acknowledging
            the electrocoupler feature in their operating manual; I'm not sure that they realize the engine smokes at idle yet.
            For those who haven't sprung for this Northern, it runs great, smokes at 13v, which increases dramatically up thru 17v. Just put lots of fluid in as, like the Berk, it eats the stuff. The choo choo sounds more like a hammer, but maybe that is realistic; not as nice a sound as the Berk. Too bad they didn't get smart enough to offer it in the UP Greyhound colors as I think that would have sold very very well.
            Group: S-Trains Message: 78794 From: poniaj Date: 1/14/2017
            Subject: Help with my Berk
            Fellow S Gaugers,

            Many of you know that I am not a fan of Lionel, but I have a problem with my C&O Berk.  It quit smoking.  I cannot sent it back for repair since it's out of the warranty period.  So I decided to look into it myself.  Even before taking it apart, the smoke unit itself heats up and smoke drifts from it, so the element is OK.  When I disassembled it, I determined that the little motor that drives the fan also works when I applied 3V to it (since I wasn't sure of its requirement, that's all I dared apply).  So it seems like whatever triggers the fan isn't working.  So further disassembly was in order.  I thought there was some sort of cam on the axle operating a micro switch, but there wasn't.  So does anybody know how it's triggered?  I suspect some sort of electronic timing through the speed control disc on the rear of the motor.  Is there any way to fix this particular feature?  Which particular electronic components would fail and cause the malfunction?  I would like the thing to smoke as advertised, but can live without it if it will cost too much to fix. 

            Any suggestions are welcome.

            Jerry Poniatowski
            Wayne, MI

            Group: S-Trains Message: 78795 From: henry_betz Date: 1/14/2017
            Subject: Re: 322 SIT
            Thanks Steve,

            Now I need to figure out where to get a new bellows, I think. If some other mischief plays into no chuff when the motor in the tender is operating, please fill me in.


            Hank Betz
            Group: S-Trains Message: 78796 From: snstrains Date: 1/15/2017
            Subject: Re: 322 SIT
            Bellows material is available from dealers such as Port Lines Hobby, Tripple S, and others. A really good material is from an old umbrella. It is super flexible and very durable. Another good option is to replace the bellows with an after market smoke cylinder-piston setup. (I have some of those). Coincidentally, I just repaired a 322 SIT yesterday.
            Steve Blackburn
            Boise, Idaho
            In a message dated 1/14/2017 11:17:41 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, writes:

            Thanks Steve,

            Now I need to figure out where to get a new bellows, I think. If some other mischief plays into no chuff when the motor in the tender is operating, please fill me in.


            Hank Betz

            Group: S-Trains Message: 78797 From: carl4flyer Date: 1/15/2017
            Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
            It is possible for the fan motor not to run when pulsed but still run with a dc source for testing.
            You need to measure the voltage at the fan motor with a meter while running on the bench to be sure.
            Motors can be dry or defective this way.
            You are correct that the pulses are derived from the tach pulses from the flywheel.
            It could be  mother board is bad or a wiring or connector issue?

            From: []
            Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2017 11:03 PM
            Subject: [S-Trains] Help with my Berk


            Fellow S Gaugers,

            Many of you know that I am not a fan of Lionel, but I have a problem with my C&O Berk.  It quit smoking.  I cannot sent it back for repair since it's out of the warranty period.  So I decided to look into it myself.  Even before taking it apart, the smoke unit itself heats up and smoke drifts from it, so the element is OK.  When I disassembled it, I determined that the little motor that drives the fan also works when I applied 3V to it (since I wasn't sure of its requirement, that's all I dared apply).  So it seems like whatever triggers the fan isn't working.  So further disassembly was in order.  I thought there was some sort of cam on the axle operating a micro switch, but there wasn't.  So does anybody know how it's triggered?  I suspect some sort of electronic timing through the speed control disc on the rear of the motor.  Is there any way to fix this particular feature?  Which particular electronic components would fail and cause the malfunction?  I would like the thing to smoke as advertised, but can live without it if it will cost too much to fix. 

            Any suggestions are welcome.

            Jerry Poniatowski
            Wayne, MI

            Group: S-Trains Message: 78798 From: americanflyer Date: 1/15/2017
            Subject: Re: 322 SIT
            Hi steve try portlines doug peck may have them good luck stan

            Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

            -------- Original message --------
            From: "henry_betz@... [S-Trains]" <>
            Date: 1/14/17 10:16 PM (GMT-05:00)
            Subject: [S-Trains] Re: 322 SIT


            Thanks Steve,

            Now I need to figure out where to get a new bellows, I think. If some other mischief plays into no chuff when the motor in the tender is operating, please fill me in.


            Hank Betz

            Group: S-Trains Message: 78799 From: allscalerails Date: 1/15/2017
            Subject: All Scale Rails Issue #12 Jan / Feb 2017

            All Scale Rails

            Issue #12

            Jan / Feb 2017

            has just hit the internet!


            All Scale Rails Issue 12 January Febuary 2017 72DPI

            Included in this issue: KATO's Module Contest, Artist Rick Borrett, The Twin Cities"400" Ghost Train, The Sawtooth Road Layout, How-To: Unreal Details' Magic Water, Trainfest 2016, Swinging Bridge, C&O Railroad Engine House Thurmond WV Blueprints.

            Visit us on Facebook & Twitter to stay up-to-date on all current events and newest product releases!

            Striving to Preserve & Inspire,


            Group: S-Trains Message: 78800 From: poniaj Date: 1/15/2017
            Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
            Thanks, Carl.  I'll put a mulitmeter on the leads on the motor, then on the motor's leads from the board.  Report later.

            Group: S-Trains Message: 78801 From: damills18055 Date: 1/15/2017
            Subject: Re: Help with my Berk
            Not sure if you know our good friend Tom Barker who has written a few books about repairs to American Flyer and is a Flyer enthusiast. He had a Polar Express set from Lionel which has the standard option of the smoke quitting just about the time the warranty ends. He took it apart and found the wicking material to be very sparse and browned. Apparently when they assemble these, not much care is given to how. He repacked it with new material, spun glass like the old angel hair Xmas decoration, and fixed it. He has a video describing the process which I'll try to post here so that it may help you. Unfortunately it is posted on Facebook and unless you are on there, you may not be able to see it...but let's try. If not, let me know and I'll contact Tom to get a YouTube Video of it.....